WOD 8/7

Performance & Foundations
15:00 AMRAP
10 Front Squat @ 135/95
10 Deadlift @ 135/95
10 Push-ups
500 M Row

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination.” -Jimmy Dean

Foundations & Performance
Adrian 2+2
Matthew 2+30
Josh 2+20
Bev 2+30
Dani 2+11
Ebelia 3
Maureen 3+18
Sissy 2+200m
Mel 3+2
Kerri 3
Kim 3+20
Dayna 3+400m
Lane 2+30
Erica 2+200m
Zeus 2
Page 3
Jose 3
Kristi 2
Gwar 2+30
Silas 3
Ryan 2+500m
Jessie 2+30
Ray 3+30
Jenny 3
Mer 3
Anne 3
Janet 3
Suzy 2+200m
Alex 2+29
Andy 2+250m
Amber 2+225m
Sean 3
Ally 3+25
Jesse 2+100 m
Sean 2+250m
Chad 3+330m
Emma 3
Chandan 2+10+500m
Nellie 3+200 m
AG 3+11
Brian 3+300m
Nicole 3+3
Ashley 3+13
Shanon 3
Christina 3