WOD 9/10
Performance – Week 2 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base
A1. Walking DB Lunge 8-6-4-3-2 rest :00
A2. Box Jump w/ Step Down 8-6-4-3-2 Rest :60
*For lunge weight start at 20-30% of FS, and move up each set
5 Rounds
500 M Row
10 total Alt. DB Snatches @ 35 lb, 20 lb
20 total Unweighted Step-ups
*Time recorded, with partners
5 Rounds
:30 Deadbugs
:30 Rest
:30 Shin on Wall Stretch
:30 Rest
Every 2 mins for 18 mins do
200m Row @90%
4 x 40 sec of Work Jump Rope / 20 sec rest
Rest 2 mins
4x 30 sec of Work Tic Tacs / 30 sec rest
Rest 2 mins
4×20 sec of Rocket Jumps / 40 sec Ring Rows 40X0
“People rarely succeed unless they have fun in what they are doing.” – Dale Carnegie
Foundations – AM | |
Jim | |
John | |
Daniel | |
Evie | |
Valeria | |
Mayela | |
Emmy | |
Casey | |
Jannica | |
Christiana | |
Performance – AM | |
ITDE | 23:26 |
Thundercats | 23:44 |
MegBerto | 25:00 |
The Dudes | 25:43 |
The Chicks | 26:55 |
Chingones | 21:59 |
Lowke | 22:48 |
Winklevie | 23:25 |
The Eagle | 25:57 |
The Killer | 25:57 |
The Girls | 26:30 |
The Ponytails | 27:56 |
Ray Ray | 20:16 |
Lord have MERCY | 22:07 |
Ladies Class | |
Ladies Rule | 25:09 |
Foundations – Noon | |
Sergio | |
Jackie | |
Mandy | |
Performance – PM | |
G$ | 18:07 |
J-Train | 23:03 |
Simon | 21:20 |
Morgan | 23:02 |
ABC | 22:42 |
Pam | 23:20 |
Jeri | 20:55 |
Sean | 21:40 |
Velvet | 26:10 |
Page | 21:30 |
Cassie | 26:02 |
Paul | 21:40 |
Evil | 24:00 |
Keith | 21:40 |
Rahul | 23:30 |
Andy | 24:00 |
Sanchez | 23:34 |
Carrie | 27:10 |
David | 23:50 |
Melissa | 24:00 |
Allyson | 25:55 |
Frank | 23:09 |