WOD 9/11

Performance – Week 2 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base
10:00 Alt. EMOM
Even: 4 Goblet Squats @ 30X0
Odd: 4 Ring Rows @ 30X0

A. Push Press x5x5 Rest 2:00
*Weights recorded
30 Burpee Pull-ups for Time
*time recorded
5 Rounds
:30 Band Walks (alt. Forward and Lateral)
:30 Rest
:30 Pigeon Stretch :15/leg
:30 Rest


A. In 10 min Work up to a Technical 2RM
B. Press x3x4
3 Rounds
400m Run
8 Push-Ups
100m Side Shuffles (50m/50m)
8/ea leg OH Plate Lunges


Foundations – AM
Chad 9:30
Courtney 9:08
Jonathan 7:35
John 9:45
Dawn 10:19
Jannica 7:56
Meridith 6:28
Courtney 8:02
Chaz 6:07
Billy 6:16
Performance – AM
Gage 155 2:48
Ivan 165 4:11
Sissy 65 4:07
Ian 165 2:40
Lee 135 4:00
Shelby 95 4:07
Humberto 65 4:20
Silas 125 4:14
Jose 95 3:53
Jillian 85 3:43
Sarah 67 4:09
Performance – Noon
Dixie 65 15 total-mod
Chet 190 4:46
Jared 95 150 mod
Tineke 65 3:28
Avtar 75 3:13
Foundations – PM
Scott 6:59
Performance – PM
Kevin 125 2:29
Gil 140 1:59
E-Rod 115 2:44
Matt 115 3:02
Jeri 80 3:24
Meridith 85 3:34
Coco 80 3:44
Jeanette 60 4:09
Bryan G 105 4:09
Miller Time 135 4:10
Keith 135 4:12
Larry 125 2:19
Nicole 80 4:00
Carrie 95 4:30
Carolyn 65 4:56
KJ 80 4:10
Allyson 95 3:30
Morgan 80 4:35
Rahul 115 4:41
JV 75 4:29