WOD 9/12

Level Two

20 Minutes AMRAP
400 M Run
10 Front Rack Reverse Lunges/Leg (75 lb, 55 lb)
300 M Run
10 Push-ups
200 M Run
10 Toes to Bar

Level One (Day 7)


Hip Clean, Press, Push Press

1 Mile Run Time Trial (15:00 Cap)

The best road to progress is freedom’s road. John F. Kennedy

The Willpower Circuit
*Post thoughts to comments

THANK YOU!!! to everyone that came out and helped with our “Move-In Party/ Work Day on Saturday. We really appreciate the time and sweat you put into helping our expansion take off and we couldn’t have done it without you! Pictures are posted on our Facebook Page.
– If you would like to come out and support our FGB6 athletes, please visit here for more information. If you are planning on participating, please make sure you have reached out to Walker (walker@crossfitaustin.com), as the deadline is Wednesday Sept. 13.

AM Results
Nick 3 Rx
Beast 2 2/6 Rx
Jesse 2 2/6 Rx
Tariq 2 (KR)
Courtney 2 3/6 (45lbs)
Mike 3 Rx
Ballet 2 1/6 MOD
MG Jenny 2 MOD
Chaz 2 2/6 Rx
Walker 2 2/6 Rx
Ray 3 Rx
Liz S
Level 1-AM
Michele 9:52 (row)
Jaime 11:22
Jules 9:21
Jackie 10:10
Noon Results
Julie 2 2/6 (45lbs)
Lane 2 4/6 (65lbs)
Cat 2 (45lbs)
Geno S
PM Results
Randy 2 (55lbs)
Betsy 2 3/6 Rx
Dayna 2 3/6 Rx
Emily 1 1/6 (Bar)
Kristin 2 (KTE)
Gilbert 3 Rx
Mad Dog 2 (33lbs)
Sherman 2 (KTE)
Danny 3 Rx
Boone 3 Rx
Stacey 3 Rx
Jon 2 5/6 Rx
G 2 1/6 Rx
Jeanette 2 2/6 (25lbs)
Jerry 3 Rx
Kaz 3 Rx
Leigh 2 5/6 Rx
Sanchez 2 3/6 (67lb)
Big Shug 1 5/6 (45lb, KR)
Zayra 1 4/6 Rx
Ryan 2 2/6 Rx
Anthony 2 1/6 Rx
Uzi 2 1/6 (KTE)
Kavi 2 2/6 Rx
Schittone 2 2/6 Rx
Geno 2 2/6 Rx
Crash 2 1/6 (37lb, KR)
Zoom 2 1/6 Rx
Megan 2 1/6 Rx
Level One
KT 9:13
Jenna 7:06
Josie 13:29
Margarita 9:45
Tony 10:15
Bryan 7:04
Chrissy 8:50