WOD 9/15

Buy In/ Cash Out
Snatch Pull-unders 2×8
Hollow Rocks 2x:45

3 Sets
5 Snatch Grip RDLs
:30 Rest
AMRAP Handstand Push-ups
2:00 Rest


3 Rounds
1:00 Russian Swings
1:00 DB Push Press
1:00 Flutter Kicks

Counsel woven into the fabric of real life is wisdom. -Walter Benjamin

Carb Count

-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn. Sign up here
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!
-There will be no regularly scheduled class on September 25th!!

AM Results
Eddie 253 (20lbs)
Flex 315 (12K. 12lbs)
TOW Matt 284 Rx
David 256 Rx
Andrew 230 (16K, 30lbs)
Michelle 313 (12K, 10lbs)
Ryan 305 Rx
PM Results
Chris 187 Rx
G 278 Rx
Tasha 303 (15lb, 12k)
Claire 322 Rx
Patrick 258 Rx
Winner 258 Rx
Juan Carlos 247 (20lb, 16k)
Mark 271 (15lb, 12k)
Chi Mike 271 Rx
Abbey 282 (10lb, 12k)
Skipper 181 (20lb, 16k)
Zoom 212 (10lb, 16k)
Meli 200 (15lb, 12k)
LG 295 (15lb, 16k)
Megan 236 (15lb, 12k)
Kavi 178 (20lb, 12k)
On Ramp
Stefan 4
CC 4