WOD 9/16
A. 16::00 EMOM
Min 1 – 5 Kip Pull-ups
Min 2 – Rest
Min 3 – 5 Kip Toes to Bar
Min 4 – Rest
*focus on perfect mechanics for both movement
B. 400 M MedBall Run for Time
@ 20 / 14 / 10
4 Rounds for Quality
10 Burpees
10 Goblet Squat @ 24K / 16k / 12K
400 M MedBall Run for Time
@ 20 / 14 / 10
*Ball run times recorded
*rest as needed b/t each element of the work out
*Focus on perfect squat form on the goblet squats, and perfect “5 step” form on the burpees
Check out Coach Wes’s blog on lifting all the weights!