WOD 9/18
Level Two
12:00 Agility Stations
3:00/ station + 1:00 transition
Station #1: 4 Corner Cone Drill (Bear Crawl/Carioca, Crab/Slide, BKWD/Slide/Run/Carioca)
Station #2: Small Hurdles (2 ft, 1 Ft, 2 Ft lateral Down and Back, 2 Ft Hop, R Hop, L hop0
Station #3: Tall Hurdles (Over/Under, Forward Step Over, Backward Step Over)
In 15:00:
30 Strict Chin-ups
30 V-ups
*Break into small sets, as needed
*if you cannot do one strict chin-up, utilize a spotter and do 10 sets of 3
*Alternate grips each set
10:00 AMRAP
CTB Pull-ups
DL @ 55-65%
1 Gasser (50 yds x 4) btwn sets
*Total Reps Recorded
Extra Credit (time permitting)
3 Rounds
10 Single Leg Hip Bridges/side
1:00 of Deadbugs
5 Bridge ups
Level One
Handstand Push-up Progressions
*For Load
4×400 M Relay
Going on a diet v. building a life
*Post thoughts to comments
“There must be a beginning of any great matter, but the continuing unto the end until it be thoroughly finished yields the true glory.” – Sir Francis Drake
- Have you checked out our inventory of Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes? More info here.
- The “We the People” Fundraiser is coming on 9/22! Learn more here.
- Reserve your spot in the 1st CrossFit Classics Event is coming up on 9/28! Learn more about the fun here.
- We hope you’re sending us an amazing t-shirt design as a part of our T-Shirt Design Contest! Learn more here.
AM – Level 1 | ||
Anna | ||
Eddie | ||
Robert | ||
Erich | ||
AM – Level 2 | ||
Leah | 5 | (J) |
MegO | 5 | (J) |
JV | 6 | (J) |
Guthrie | 5 | (B) |
Duran | 6 | Rx |
Tim | 5 | Rx |
Ivan | 5 | (Chin) |
Valyn | 5 | (J) |
Janice | 6 | (J) |
Christian | 4 | (J) |
Zac | 7 | Rx |
Schittone | 5 | Rx |
Becky | 5 | (J) |
Tow Matt | 6 | Rx |
Michael | 6 | (Chin) |
Ballet | 6 | Rx |
Valenza | 7 | Rx |
Bradley | 6 | (Chin) |
Ray | 6 | Rx |
George | 6 | (Chin) |
AM – Ladies’ | ||
Jenny | 6 | (B) |
LV | 5 | (B) |
Mer | 5 | (J) |
Josie | 4 | (J) |
Taylor | 5 | (B) |
12P – Level 1 | ||
49er | ||
Dixie | ||
Shannon C | ||
Shannon K | ||
Michelle | ||
Priscilla | ||
Krista | ||
David I | ||
Maya | ||
PM – Level 2 | ||
Melissa | 5 | (J) |
Rhett | 5 | Rx |
Marissa | 6 | Rx |
Mrs Fro | 5 | (J) |
Fro | 4 | Rx |
Gabriel | 6 | Rx |
EJ | 6 | Rx |
Marky Marc | 6 | Rx |
Andrew | 7 | Rx |
Holly | 6 | (B) |
Pam | 5 | (J) |
LG | 5 | (B) |
Clint | 6 | Rx |
KT | 5 | (J) |
Andy | 6 | Rx |
Sanchez | 7 | Rx |
Blake | 6 | Rx |
Chrissy | 5 | (J) |
Wade | 6 | Rx |
Desiree | 5 | (B) |
Melissa K | 7 | (J) |
E-Rod | 5 | (J) |