WOD 9/21

Level Two

A1. DB Press x10x3 Rest :90
A2. American Swing x10x3 2:00
*Post DB weight and KB Weight to comments

5 Rounds:
300 M Runs
30 Double Unders
3 Jerks @ 70-75%
*Weights and times recorded

Level One (Day 11)

Knee to Elbows/Toes to Bar
Handstand Holds

7 Minute AMRAP:
7 Box Jumps (step down)
7 Push-ups
21 Singles

Nothing which has entered into our experience is ever lost. -William Ellery Channing

Attack Belly Fat
*Post thoughts to comments

– To our FGB6 participants from CrossFit (Jenny, Snooki, Liz, Janice, Erica, Colleen, Kaz) – way to go! Thanks for showing up and giving your all for such a great event! Also, thanks to those supporters that came out, too! Everyone did an amazing job and raised money and awareness for some great causes! To see more, check out our facebook page.

Liz cranking it out at FGB6

AM-Level 2
Mikey 11:14 (115lb)
Mike 11:36 (95lb, S)
Janice 14:07 (35lb, S)
Yoon Sin 17:17 (35lb, S)
J.V. 15:19 (40lb, S)
MegO 20:04 (63lb, S)
Turk I
Ballet 10:28 MOD
Tow Matt 12:24 (115lb)
Senator 17:20 (67lb, S)
Beast 14:13 (65lb, S)
Melicious 15:32 (70lb, S)
MG Jenny 19:40 (55lb, Row)
Colleen 15:17 MOD
Aubrey 13:57 CF Mom
9am 17:30 (95lb, S)
Erica 13:40 MOD
Cody 11:44 (145lb)
Ray 14:18 (115lb)
Zoom 15:33 (95lb)
Emily 23:35 (55lb, S)
Crash 18:52 (65lb, S)
Heather 16:14 (45lb, S)
Jables 16:18 (75lb)
Coy 17:12 (65lb, S)
PM-Level 2
Gilbert 11:24 (155lb, S)
G 14:03 (65lb)
Courtney 15:15 (45lb, S)
Stephanie 16:42 (68lb, S)
Kristin 15:40 (83lb, S)
Jeannette 14:28 (35 lbs,S)
Tristy 14:52 (95 lbs, S)
Peter 15:08 (95 lbs, S)
Blake 15:28 (175 lb)
Sherman 15:48 (115 lb)
Danny 4 Rds
Sleeves 11:35 (185lb)
Mr. T 17:20 (115lb, S)
Jesse 15:38 (75lb, S)
Jerry 12:43 (135lb, S)
PM-Level 1
Chrissy 5
Ana 5 + TTB
KT 4
Jenna 6 + TTB
Caitlyn 4
Josie 3 + TTB
Jewels 3 + PU
Marco 5 + PU
Tony 3 + TTB