WOD 9/21
A. 12:00 E202
Power Snatch x2x6 @ 70%
B. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1-
Push Press x1x7 @ 75-80%
DB / KB Split Squats x2/leg x7
Min 2 – Rest
*Pick a weight and % do all sets at the same weight in both the movements.
For Quality
Strict DB / KB Press
40 ft OVHD DB / KB Walk
40 ft Broad Jumps
*Goal finish time 5-7 minutes
*Appx. Weights 45 lb / 25 lb / 15 lb pick the same weight for the whole workout
Cash Out:
1K Row
“My attitude is that if you push me towards something that you think is a weakness, then I will turn that perceived weakness into a strength.” – Michael Jordan