WOD 9/22

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Split Squats 2×15/leg
50 Double Unders

4 Sets
8-10 Powell Raises (30×0)
:60 Rest
6-10 Strict/Partner Ring Dips
:60 Rest
*Post weights and reps to comments


“The Russian”
Russian Lunges (24K, 16K)
Russian Swings (24k, 16k)

A lesson in Moderation

Never look down to test the ground before taking your next step; only he who keeps his eye fixed on the far horizon will find the right road. –Dag Hammarskjöld

Victory 400 Run Thursday morning, email Wes if you’d like to help Mike!
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…
sign up and reserve your spot!!
**There will be no morning classes on Thursday 9/23 for the Victory 400, and on Saturday 9/25 for Fight Gone Bad.

PM Results
Tina 10:28 (MOD)
Patrick 12:37 Rx
Jamie 10:49 Rx
G 13:24 Rx
Kavi 17:49 (16k)
Christy 14:14 Rx
Chris 15:12 Rx
Chi-Mike 13:53 Rx
Kristin 14:36 (12k)
Mark 14:44 (12k)
Juan Carlos 14:28 (16k)
AG 15:54 Rx
Zoom 14:34 (30lb)
Crash 16:05 (15lb)
Kristie 9:14 (12k)
Skipper 14:10 (16k)
Meli 12:42 (12lb)
LG 10:21 (12k)
Julie 15:09 (10lb)
Darlene 13:13 Rx
Megan 13:20 (12k)
Jen 14:59 (12k)
Anthony 17:04 (16k)