WOD 9/24
Performance – Week 4 of 8 Strength and Aerobic Base
Russian KB Swings AHAP
WTD Dips
2K Row for Time
*Row Time Recorded
3 Rounds
10 V-ups
10 YD DB Bear Crawl
Back Squats
A. Back Squats x5x5
6 Rounds (High Intensity)
8 KB Goblet Squats
8 Box Jumps
100m run
Rest 1 mins
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise” – Benjamin Franklin
Foundations- AM | |
John | 15:58 |
Kelley | 17:15 |
Dawn | 17:15 |
Melanie | 15:43 |
Adrian | 17:48 |
Courtney | 14:43 |
Daniel | 17:54 |
John | 16:13 |
Jim | 18:24 |
Billy | 12:19 |
Meridith | 12:22 |
Gilbert | 12:24 |
Mandy | 12:51 |
Courtney | 13:50 |
Jannica | 18:20 |
Cassie | 14:25 |
Performance – AM | |
Gage | 7:59 |
Humberto | 8:31 |
Sissy | 11:22 |
Kara | 9:45 |
Sarah | 9:36 |
Janet | 8:11 |
Ken | 9:18 |
Mitch | 8:11 |
Steve | 9:00 |
Lisa | 9:44 |
Jillian | 8:56 |
Jenny | 9:14 |
Bradley | 6:39 |
Matt | 7:45 |
Brian | 8:36 |
Red | 9:56 |
Jose | 7:53 |
Page | 7:45 |
Josh | 8:57 |
Jables | 9:11 |
Ray | 8:40 |
Sharon | 9:20 |
Ladies Class | |
Mer | 9:11 |
Kristan | 9:53 |
Josie | 9:57 |
Lulu | 10:45 |
Stefani | 11:03 |
Bianca | 9:55 |
Sydney | 12:45 |
Foundations – Noon | |
Arika | 7:51 |
Allison | 8:39 |
Performance – PM | |
Gil | 8:26 |
Jonathan | 9:27 |
Rahul | 8:46 |
Madison | 9:21 |
Velvet | 9:42 |
Scott | 7:38 |
Leah | 9:22 |
KJ | 9:25 |
Missy | 9:37 |
Cassie | 9:28 |
Paul | 8:00 |
Carrie | 9:30 |
Allyson | 8:58 |
Morgan | 9:23 |
Sean | 8:23 |
Coco | 10:30 |
Andy | 9:02 |
E-Rod | 11:05 |
Melissa | 10:18 |
Wood | 8:19 |