WOD 9/30

A. 10:00 EMOM
Min 1- 5 Single Leg DL (right)
Min 2- 5 Single Leg DL (Left)

B. 14:00 EMOM
Min 1- Push Press x1x7 @ 80-85%
DB / KB Split Squats x2/leg x7

Min 2 – Rest
*Pick a weight and % do all sets at the same weight in both the movements.

C. 4 rounds
15 hang power snatches @ 95 lbs / 65 lbs / 16K KBS
30 double unders
*time recorded

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 Rounds for Quality
15 Russian Kb swings
100m kb suitcase carry

Scaling guide:
DUs:  20 reps including attempts –> 15 attempts + 15 Singles –> Singles
Scale up:  115/75lbs and 50 double no scale up if you’re not confident you could do listed WOD in 4:00 or less.