WOD 9/6

Level Two
A1. Press x3x5 50%+Chains Rest 1:00
A2. WTD Chin-ups x3x5 Rest 1:00 *Lower for up to :30 on the last rep
B. Squat x10x3 *Find your 10 RM
C. RDL x5x3
D. Glute/AB Circuit

Level One

Front/Frank Squat
Hip Power Clean

B. Front Squat x3x7
(Build weight up each round as needed)

How Long Should Soft Tissue Work Take: Thoughts, Theories, & Ideas
*Post thoughts to comments

“There’s no substitute for guts.” – Paul Bear Bryant


  • The Strength+Beauty Challenge starts this Sunday (9/9) at CrossFit Austin! Check it out.
  • The Athlete Open is this Saturday (9/8). Learn more here*We are still looking for volunteers!
  • We now sell Reebok CrossFit Nano 2.0 and Reebok CrossFit Oly shoes!  More info here.
  • Have you heard about the “We the People” Fundraiser? Learn more here.
  • The 1st CrossFit Classics Event is coming up on 9/28! Learn more here

AM – Level 1
Heidi S
Kara S
Zac S
Anna S
Eric H S
AM – Level 2
Janice S
Becky S
LaRosa S
Duran S
Guthrie S
Alex S
Big Spoon S
Leah S
Caitlin S
MegO S
Jeff C S
Jessie S
Paul S
Money S
Schittone S
Bradley S
James S
Ray S
AM – Ladies’
Jenny S
Irl S
Taylor S
Mer S
Josie S
Emily S
12P – Level 1
Anne S
49er S
Dixie S
Maya S
Snick S
PM – Level 2
Helen S
Marissa S
Crash S
Sanchez S
Melissa S
Marky Marc S
Wade S
Clint S
Gary S
Holly S
Schittone S
Shug S
E-Rod S
Sean S
Amy S
Diana S
George S
Dusty S
C2 S
Chrissy S
Nicole S
Rachel S
Alyson S
Elena S
PM – Level 2
Robyn S
Avtar S
David S
Snider S
Krista S
Victor S
Angelica S
Twin S
Robert S