WOD 12/6

A. On a 15:00 Clock
In 10 minutes quickly work up to a challenging Power Snatch Single  (80-90%)

B. In 5:00
Plan on hitting the above weight for 2-3 more sets.
*heaviest weights recorded

C. 15:00 AMRAP
Rolling Start: up to 2 rounds in 5:00


Max rounds for remainder of time
8 power snatches @  95lb / 65lb /35lb   KBS
8 toes-to-bar
16 box jump @ 24″ / 20″ / 12″
100m bumper plate farmer carry
@ 45lb / 25lb* / 20lb DBs
*Rounds + reps recorded

Scaling Guide:
– 3 – 6 rounds, about 2:30 per round

CONGRATS December Athlete of the Month: Daniel Arredondo