WOD 12/7

Level Two

A1. Front Rack Reverse Lunge x6-8×3 Rest :45
A2. Russian KB Swing x10-12×3 Rest :45
A3. High Box Jumps (step down) x3-5×3 Rest :45

MB Russian Lunge
MB Tic Tacs
MB Muscle Clean to Press
MB Sit ups
*Total time recorded

If you cannot do great things, do small things in a great way. – Napoleon Hill

Setting Goals
*Post thoughts to comments

Level One (Day 8 )

Kipping Pull-Ups

5 Minute AMRAP
7 Jumping Pull-ups
7 DB Thrusters
*Every minute on the minute, perform 2 burpees
*Total completed rounds recorded

– Coach Chad is back! His classes will be offered at 2:00pm, 5:30pm and 6:30pm. The sign up process has changed: his classes are now listed here under “Specialty Classes”. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
– – December is a month full of fun activities and we hope you’ll join us! Be sure to check out our events section for information and updates!

Level 1- AM
Irl  S
Level 2 – AM
MegO 11:45
Bubbles 10:35
Kristin 9:33
Albert 11:27
Mike 11:10
Janice 11:15
JV 10:41
V 11:18
Ballet 8:56
Michael 9:56
Becky 10:44
Michele 13:07
Erica 10:30
Ty 10:57
Kavi 10:12
Paddy 11:26
Christina 12:29
Level 2 – 12P
Blake 10:06
Reis 12:37
Wood 9:52
Bryan 10:21
Thurst 12:23
JJ 12:09
Level 2 – PM
Sherman 12:06
“G” 12:58
Dayna 8:22
Ryan Box Jump Injury
Jables 11:09
Coy 10:24
Betsy 9:47
Jerry 12:52
Clapper 11:26
 KT  11:43
 Margarita 11:42
 Jen 10:54
Sleeves 9:24
 Lane 9:49
Geno 11:07
Sanchez 10:55
Liz 13:34
Cat 11:37
LG 15:51
Leah 12:37
Marco 12:03
Josie 13:36
Cynthia 13:13
Level 1- PM
Mel 7
Cyn 8
Marissa 6
Melissa 5
Andy 6
Paddy Ice 7
Kaveh 5
Veronica MOD