WOD 3/20
A. 12:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 3 Back Squat @ 70-80%
Min 2 – 5/arm Single Arm Ring Row
*all sets across %
B. 5 Rounds for time.
12 Wall Ball @ 20lb/10ft, 14lb/9ft*, 10lb/8ft
12 Toes to bar
*time recorded
Scaling Guide:
– 4.5 – 9 minutes, about 1:30 per round.
– Scale Up: 30/20lb ball and 1 bar muscle up for every 3 toes to bar.
Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4 rounds
8 burpees
10 Russian kb swings
“Continuous effort – not strength or intelligence – is the key to unlocking our potential.”- Winston Churchill