WOD 9/22

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Sorenson Hold 2:00 and/or, :90/Side Side Plank Holds
2 Rounds double tennis ball Thoracic Mobility Drill

Warrior Tuesday!!!
Find a heavy but not 2 RM Back Squat in 15 Minutes
*Post to comments


150 Wall Balls for time (20 lb, 15/14 lbs)

To keep the body in good health is a duty… otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. -Buddha

CrossFit Total Day Saturday June 26th don’t forget to sign up for your timeslot!
Olympic Weightlifting 1 Day Seminar with Chad and Ursula June 27th
2nd Annual Murph Day July 3rd sign up for your timelot HERE.

AM Results  
Nick 6:32 Rx
Chaz 8:05 (15lb)
Mike 11:56 Rx
Joy 13:48 (10lb)
Ray 7:36 (15lb)
Tristy 9:30 Rx
Walker 9:04 (10lb)
Stephen 8:27 Rx
Kristin 11:09 (6lb)
Liz 11:02 (10lb)
Amber 10:12 (6lb)
Tow Matt 11:21 Rx
On Ramp  
Karen 4:57
PM Results  
Shanan 9:49 Rx
Tasha 11:09 (10lb)
Claire 10:27 (10lb)
“G” 9:59 (10lb)
Mel 10:49 (6lb)
Patrick 9:38 Rx
Blake 8:14 Rx
Cari 9:39 (6lb)
Winner 11:29 (10lb)
Betsy 11:08 Rx
Stacey 9:52 Rx
Kirk 9:48 Rx
Mark 11:58 (10lb)
Carissa 7:49(6lb)
Trey 9:06 (15lb)
Sleeves 8:36 Rx
L.V. 8:26 (6lb)
Cara 9:48 (6lb)
Neal 9:11 Rx