GRAND {re}Opening: The Jack and Jill Classic
“The Jack & Jill Classic”
Presented By Fringe Sport / Vaughn Weightlifting & Onnit
Saturday November 22nd
9 AM – Noon @ CrossFit Austin’s GRAND {re}Opening
Registration Opens Wednesday October 29th @ Noon
>>Register Here<<
General Info
The Jack and Jill Classic will feature two team workouts. A strength based workout and an endurance based workout. The top 3 teams in each division will take on one more workout to earn additional bonus points to decide .
Each team will be scored based off of rank in each workout and the team with the lowest overall score will be the champions.
There will be 2 divisions to participate in: Choose Rx – or – Scaled
A portion of the proceed will benefit The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Austin
Rx Division:
1 Male + 1 Female competitor/team, 15 teams per division
Movements and weights will be representative of what an athlete might see in the CrossFit Open. Higher skill weightlifting moves like a snatch, and/or clean and jerk may be included. Moderate skill gymnastics movement such as pull-ups, rope climbs, and/or toes to bar maybe included. The RX division will NOT include muscle-ups.
Scaled Division:
1 Male + 1 Female competitor/team, 15 teams per division
Movements will be representative of what an athlete might see in the CrossFit Open. Lower skill weightlifting movements such as cleans, deadlifts, and/or front squats may be included. The scaled division will NOT include moderate skill gymnastics movement such as pull-ups, rope climbs, and/or toes to bar. The scaled division will NOT include muscle-ups. Weights will 20-30% lighter than what an athlete might see in the CrossFit Open.
Event 1 & 2 – Strength WOD
“Superiority Complex”
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean (Power or Squat)
8 Bar Ladder
135, 75
165, 95
185, 115
205, 125
225, 135
253, 154
275, 165
308, 187
75, 45
85, 55
95, 65
135, 75
165, 95
187, 110
198, 121
220, 132
*This is a “ladder” style workout each team will have 1:00 minute at each station men and women will lift on at the same time. Each station is worth 8 points, and partial points will be awarded. If the athlete(s) cannot complete the entire complex they may perform as many DL as possible in the remaining time as a tiebreaker. *
“Superiority Complex”
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Front Squat + Hang Clean (Power or Squat)
8 Bar Ladder
Women’s Rx weights (pounds): 75, 95, 115, 125, 135, 154, 165, 187
Women’s Scaled weight (pounds): 45, 55, 65, 75, 95, 110, 121, 132
Men’s Rx weights (pounds): 135, 165, 185, 205, 225, 253, 275, 308
Men’s Scaled weights (pounds): 75, 85, 95, 135, 165, 187, 198, 220
In this event, teams work their way through a series of stations with progressively heavier barbells. There will be a female and a male barbell at each station and male and female athletes will work at the same time. At the call of “3-2-1 … Go!” the team will have 50 seconds, during which both the male and female must complete the barbell complex. After the 50 seconds are up, they will remain at that station for 10 more seconds until the call of “rotate.”
All of the teammates who successfully completed the lift within the 50 seconds may advance to the next station. If an athlete does not complete the complex in the 50-second window, they will not advance to the next station. Athletes only get one attempt at each station if the athlete fails at any element of the complex the lift is over. If athlete does not complete the complex they may finish the 50 seconds out with as many deadlifts as possible to serve as a tiebreaker.
The complex repetition must be fully complete within the 50-second window. If the athlete is still moving at the 50-second mark, the repetition does not count.
Each athlete has the opportunity score 4 points at each station, 1 point for each element of the complex. If athlete fails to complete the complex they will receive a point total equal to the number of elements of the complex the athlete completes.
1 Power Clean (PC) completed = 1 pt
1 PC + 1 Hang Squat Clean (HSC) completed = 2 pts
1 PC + 1 HSC + 1 Front Squat (FS) completed = 3 pts
Full complex completed = 4 pts
This will be scored as two separate workouts. Males and females will be ranked separately and the team with the best combined ranking will receive points for their corresponding rank.
In the case of two athletes that have the same point total the tie will be broken by the number of deadlifts that athlete completed. If there is still a tie the athletes will share the ranking.
Movement Standards
After the barbell is initially power cleaned it may not touch the floor again throughout the remainder of the complex.
Power Clean
In the Power Clean, the barbell goes directly from the ground to the front rack position in one motion without passing through a front squat. This can be a muscle clean, a power clean, or a split clean. Once the bar starts its upward motion it must continue in an upward motion. The rep will be counted once the Athlete clearly shows control with the barbell on the shoulders, the bar directly over the heels, and the feet together. The hip crease must remain above the top of the knee, Athlete’s that drop below “parallel” into a squat clean will receive a no rep.
Front Squats
The barbell must be racked on the front of the shoulders. At the top, the hips and knees must be fully extended. Any grip is permitted as long as the bar is in the front-rack position.
At the bottom the hip crease must be below the top of the knee. A full squat clean is permitted, but not required, to start the movement if standard depth is achieved.
Hang Squat Clean:
The athlete may not lower the bar past the knees in the lift. The barbell must be received in the front squat position. A power clean followed by a front squat will not be permitted. Once the bar starts its upward motion it must continue in an upward motion. Each repetition finishes with the bar racked on the shoulders and the elbows clearly in front of the bar with the hips and knees fully extended.
Hang Clean (any variation) :
The athlete may not lower the bar past the knees in the lift. This can be a muscle clean, a power clean, squat clean, or a split clean. Once the bar starts its upward motion it must continue in an upward motion. Each repetition finishes with the bar racked on the shoulders and the elbows clearly in front of the bar with the hips and knees fully extended.
Event 3 – Endurance WOD
“Ballsagna” {‘balls-an-ya’ – like ‘lasagna’}
150 Wall Balls (2 balls 20/14, 10’/9’, one partner works at a time, )
200 M Run
100 Slam Balls (1 ball, 1 person works at a time)
200 M Run
75 Toes to Bar (Both Partners must remain hanging while reps are being done)
200 M Run
15:00 cap
120 Wall Balls (2 balls 14/10, 10’/8’, one partner works at a time)
200 M Run
80 Slam Balls (1 ball, 1 person works at a time)
200 M Run
40 Burpees
200 M Run
15:00 cap
This event begins with teams begin at the Wall ball station. At the call of “3-2-1 … Go!” the teams begin the wall ball station working one person at a time. Once the teams complete all 150 wall balls the pair run 200 m. Team may not begin the slamball station until both teammates are at the station.
For the slam balls, partners alternate as they see fit; complete 100 slamballs. Once the team completes all 100 slam balls the pair run 200 m. Team may not begin the toes-to-bar station until both teammates are at the station.
Partners can alternate as they see fit at the toes-to-bars station until they’ve completed 75 reps. Both athletes must hang from the bar (no contact with the ground) for the toes-to-bar reps to count. Once the team completes all 75 toes-to-bar, team runs their final 200 m. The teams total time will be recorded once the final athlete passes the finish line.
Time cap will be 17:00. If athletes do not finish under the time cap they will be scored on total reps completed. Completed 200 m runs will count as 1 rep.
The team’s score is its total time. Time cap will be 15:00. If athletes do not finish under the time cap they will be scored on total reps completed. Completed 200 m runs will count as 1 rep.
Movement Standards
Wall Ball
The medicine ball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The ball must make contact with the front-face of the target. If the ball hits the bottom or top edge of the target or does not hit the target at all, it is a no rep. The rep is counted when the ball makes contact with the target.
Slam Balls
Slam ball must start on the ground and moves from the ground to full lockout overhead (full lockout overhead: the hips, knees and arms fully extended, and the ball directly over the body). The ball must remain in the hands until it passes the knees, and must be fully released from the hand before it can be picked up again for the next repetition.
In the toes-to-bar, the athlete must go from a full hang with the heels behind the vertical plane of the pull-up bar, to having the toes touch the pull-up bar. Both feet must be in contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. The arms and hips must be fully extended at the bottom and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and behind the body. One athlete must hang from the bar with both hands in contact with the bar while the partner performs repetitions in order for repetitions to count. .
Each burpee must be performed perpendicular to and facing the slam ball. The head cannot be over the slamball and the chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. The athlete must jump over the slam ball from both feet and land on both feet. One-footed jumping or stepping over is not permitted. The next rep will then begin on the opposite side facing the slamball.
In the case of a final tie in the top 5 head to head in workout 3 will be the tiebreaker. In the case of a final tie in the top 3, head to head in the final workout will be the tiebreaker.
$100.00 per Male + Female Team {includes entry + t-shirt}
opens Wednesday, October 27th @ 12:00 PM
Vaughn Weightlifting // Fringesport Oly Bars (15kg. & 20kg.)
Onnit Primal Bell Kettlebells (various kgs)
CrossFit Austin T-Shirts
more to come!
Important Dates
Wednesday, October 27th @ 12:00
PM Registration opens – We anticipate this event to sell out quickly – Mark your calendar.
Monday, November 3rd
Both the Strength + Endurance WODs will be released. May the WODs be ever in your favor!
Saturday, November 22nd
9 AM – Noon – GAMEDAY!