Hydrostatic weighing – What it is and why you should do it!
Happy Friday folks! The last Friday of 2017 in fact! We’re all scrambling to tie up the loose ends of this year and prepping ourselves for the New Year. Goals, intentions, wishes for the future and all that…. We’re getting ready for the Whole Life Challenge, the Open, and everything else that’s coming up. If you’re overwhelmed by all of that and don’t really know where to start, I’m here to help. 😉
As for goals, I wrote an article last year about New Year’s resolutions and how to actually make your goals happen & there is also a link to Coach E’s article from this year. Basically it boils down to 5 simple things:
- Ditch the mindset of a New Year’s Resolution – yup, you heard me. Goals can and should be set and started at ANY time.
- Establish your why – Why do you even care about that goal? What’s your motivation?
- Set realistic goals and have a plan to reach them – Sorry, but you aren’t going to lose 30 pounds in 2 weeks… not in a healthy way at least.
- Prioritize your goals and avoid road blocks – You have to work your goals into your life just like you work Netflix and Starbucks breaks in. There will be things to trips you up so make sure you know how you will handle them.
- Don’t take yourself too seriously – If you are so stressed about reaching your goal that you don’t enjoy the journey then why is that even a goal? (see above steps and try again)
The actual article is more in depth and better written so you can read that here 🙂
On to the actual topic of this article. I promise one has to do with the other. If you have a goal that is at all related to the composition of your body (lose weight, gain muscle, get shredded, etc. etc. etc.) then you need to actually understand the composition of your body…. Like REALLY understand it.
This year as part of the Whole Life Challenge (remember early bird registration ends on 1/3) we wanted people to have the opportunity to do pre & post testing so that they could make realistic goals based on their individual composition and track their progress to the end. Even if you aren’t doing the challenge (but you should) and you want to do the testing that’s fine too. Reserve your spot.
I’ve heard a TON of questions, comments, and concerns over the last few weeks about the testing so let’s get down to business.
“Hydrostatic what?”Â
Hydrostatic Testing (Underwater Weighing) has become universally regarded by industry experts as the “Gold Standard” in body fat testing.
Body Analytics hydrostatic method uses a three component model which separates the body into 3 areas:
- Bone, muscle and organs, along with connective tissue, collectively known as lean mass, sinks (is more dense than water)
- Body fat floats (is less dense than water)
- Total body water which is neutrally bouyant, but must be removed from your actual weight
By obtaining your dry weight and water weight, based on buoyancy, our specialized computer program can scientifically calculate your body fat as a percentage of your total weight. The ordinary scale cannot tell you if weight loss is muscle or fat while testing with Body Analytics will tell you exactly what took place with your body during your weight loss regimen.
-straight from Body Analytics USA
“I don’t want to know how fat I am, I just want to lose weight.”Â
First of all, ditch that lack of confidence. Managing body composition is a journey and it’s not about “how fat/skinny/ripped/flabby” or whatever else you think you are. It’s about understanding what your body is comprised of so you can make smart choices to reach the goals you have. I promise that this will be a positive experience if you get out of your head a bit. This is a tool and MUCH more accurate than just eating a ton of salad in January and hoping for the best.
“Cool. I’ll be there.”Â
Awesome, you’re on board, but slow down there! There are a few things you need to know and a few rules you have to follow. First, you MUST reserve a spot. This isn’t a show up and walk in kind of thing. There’s a timed schedule with limited space. Reserve your time slot HERE.
Here is a list of FAQs and answers from the Body Analytics folks. Please read through to make sure you’re prepared and will get the most accurate read.
What Should I Bring?
Bring a swimsuit and a towel. Change in the privacy of our dressing room located inside the lab.
Please bring swim cap if you wear hair products or hair gel etc.
Can I Eat Prior To Testing?
Don’t eat anything 2 hours prior. Eating a big meal within 2 hours before the test may affect your results by up to 1 1/2%, but no more. Therefore, we advise you not to eat within two hours before the test. Working out and drinking water is okay. A small snack or protein shake is ok, just no large meal.
How Should I Prepare For Testing?
You should try to use the restroom and take a shower if possible. Please bring swim cap and remove as much hair gel or hair products as possible.
What Is The Test Like?
You will submerge your whole body underwater leaving only a small portion of your mouth and nose above the water.
The water is heated to between 89° and 94°, depending on the season. The water is also chemically treated for cleanliness to meet all local swimming pool and hot tub requirements of the local health department. We also replace the water daily. We have a private dressing room on board and for your comfort the lab is air conditioned in the summer and heated in the winter.
A trained technician will be with you every second of the test. You will have privacy and confidentiality during the entire test, which takes approximately 10 minutes.
What do I do with the info?
After the test, you will receive an email or hard copy printout of your results, showing you where you are, where you should be, and what it will take to get there. You will then have a realistic baseline to establish your fitness goals. Get with your Coach For Life (if you don’t have one email Tim or Gen and we’ll make sure you’re set up) to help get you on track.
Final Details
Body Analytics will be at CrossFit Austin on Monday, January 8th from 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm. We’ll set up a retest day for after the challenge so you can test your pre and post composition numbers.
Single test – $49
Pre & Post-test – $89 (save $10)
OK! Let’s see what you’re made of! Literally…