WOD 4/22
“Dirty Thirty or Filthy Fifty”
50/30 Box jumps @ 24” / 20” / 12”
50/30 Jumping pull-ups
50/30 American KBS@ 16K / 12K / 8K
50/30 Walking Lunge (total steps)
50/30 Knees to Elbows
50/30 Push press @ 45 lb / 35 lb / 15 lb
50/30 Super Mans
50/30 Wall balls @ 20lb/10ft, 14lb/9ft, 10lb/8ft
50/30 Burpees
50/30 Double unders
*Time recorded
*35:00 Cap
*Team Version!: 2 Person Teams 100 reps of each exercises. One person working at a time until the burpees and double unders (both people working at the same time, but still 100 reps total)
*If you have completed a Dirty Thirty under 20 minutes perform as Filthy Fifty compare to Monday January 23, 2017
*If you complete the Dirty Thirty in under 20 minutes you “graduate” to the “Filthy Fifty” the next time we do this workout.
Get your PROGENEX PRE-ORDERS in by Friday April 28th!