WOD 9/7
A.15:00 EMOM
Min 1- Power Clean x3x5 @ 80-90%
Min 2 – Static Dips or Support Hold x5 /:10 x5
Min 3 – Rest
*Pick a weight and scale and do all sets at that % / scale
B. 7 minute AMRAP
7 hang power snatches 95lb / 65lb / 35lb or (OVHD kettlebell swing)
14 box jumps 24” / 20” / 12”
*Rounds + reps recorded
Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 Rounds for Quality
100m farmer carry
10 burpees
Scaling Guide :
*Performance / Athletic / Health
*Scale-up: 4 bar muscle ups (instead of ttb) for as many rounds as you can without chicken winging.
*Athletic” weights and reps = Women’s Rx
*Goal Rounds 4-7 Rounds
“Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.”- Joseph Addison