WOD 8/8
Push-up Challenge Day 4
Buy in: 800/400
Push-ups for the day: 200/100
Keir will be running the show today, I’ll see all you crazy kids on Monday.
From our friends @ CF Football…
For time:
150 Push Ups
*Everytime you stop and rest with your chest on the ground this constitutes a penalty. If a penalty is counted, you must immediately sprint 40 yards. Once the penalty is completed continue with the push ups.
*You can rest in a pike position (the top of a push up) but once you can not do push ups any longer and need to rest on the ground, a penalty is counted and a 40 yard sprint must be completed.
Score = Total Time.
The art of living lies less in eliminating our troubles than in growing with them. –Bernard Baruch