WOD 4/18

2 Person Teams

25:00 AMRAP
400 M Run
Max Rounds of “Nate”
2 MU
8 KBS @ 32K/24K
*While one partner runs the other completes as many rounds of “Nate” as possible
*Total Rounds of “Nate” recorded


*Scaled Version”
2 Person Teams
25:00 AMRAP
200-400 M Run
Max Rounds of “Nate”
2 CTB Pull-ups (any style)
4 L-Sit DB Press
8 KBS @ weight of your choice
*While one partner runs the other completes as many rounds of “Nate” as possible
*Total Rounds of “Nate” recorded


Next Saturday! Bowling with “G-Love & The Special Sauce”

{CFA Outing}