WOD 2/13

A. 18:00 EMOM
Min 1 – 1 Deficit DL @ 70-85%
Min 2 – 2 Weighted Ring Dips (or progression)
*all sets across % or progression

B. 7:00 AMRAP
20′ out 20′ back overhead plate lunge @
45 / 25 / 15  
8 bumper plate burpees (same)
30 double unders* ( 60 singles)

Optional ‘Cash Out’:
4:00 AMRAP
6 db clean and jerks,
8 toes to bar

Scaling Guide:
– 2.5 – 5 rounds, about 2:00 per round

“The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.”- Woodrow Wilson

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