WOD 7/13

Weekly Buy In/Cash Out
Snatch Pull-unders 3×10
Hollow Rocks 3x:45

5 Sets
5 Snatch Grip 3 Position deadlifts
Rest :20
5 Weighted Dips (3010)
Rest :60
*Post Dip Weights or scaling to comments


7  Rounds
5 Strict Chin-ups
15 Unbroken Box Jumps
Rest :30

Live your life that the fear of death can never enter your heart. -Tecumseh

Sleep Posture

– Next round of Oly Classes start tomorrow, 3 PM, 6:30 PM, and 7:30 PM. Single sessions now available.
– Wes will be doing free assessments during the 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM Class on Tuesday and Thursday this week, Thursday’s 7:30 AM class will be assessments only.

Legit Push-up Man or Lady!

AM Results
Nick 7:27 Rx
Mike 8:29 (Jump)
Melicious 9:32 (Jump)
Darren 11:12 (Jump)
John 10:56 Rx
Kristin 10:15 (MOD)
Trey 9:47 (Jump)
Blake 9:56 Rx
Ainsley 10:50 (MOD)
Stephanie 9:22 (MOD)
Arnie 11:05 (Jump, 20″)
PM Results
Stacey 8:29 Rx
Betsy 7:55 (Jump)
Cat 9:34 (Jump)
Claire 9:29 (Jump)
“G” 8:45 (Jump)

9:55 Rx

Mark 12:47 (Jump, 20″)
Sleeves 12:17 Rx+36″
Carissa 9:04 (Jump)
J.J. 13:42 (Jump)
Alex 10:13 (Jump)
Ryan 10:33 (Jump, 20″)