WOD 3/25

A.10:00 Alt EMOM
3-5 TTB
3-5 Box Jumps

B.3 Rounds
9 Pull-ups
7 Power Cleans @ 135 lb, 85 lbs
400 M Run
*Time recorded

C. Cool down, coaches choice

Skill: Back Squats

A. Back Squats x5x5

6 Rounds (High Intensity)
8 KB Goblet Squats
8 Box Jumps
100m run
Rest 1 mins

“Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen.”-Conan O’Brien


Foundations – AM
Performance – AM
Sarah 9:57
Mel 10:03
Sissy 9:38
Humberto 9:21
Kerri 10:52
Vy 9:25
Matt 9:19 rx
Michele 10:40
Shauna 12:06
Adrian 11:37
Lee 9:38
Brooks 7:45 rx
Brian 8:48
Kate 9:44
Page 8:21 rx
Matt 10:00 rx
Lashea 9:09
Cynthia 9:49
Jose 10:16
Ivan 9:10 rx
Roland 11:34
Jillian 10:36 rx
Tom 10:22
Jessie 10:45
Red 11:20
Silas 10:30
Ladies Class
Mer 10:37
Foundations – Noon
Jared 9:32/11:01
Dustin 11:12
Jimmy 11:19
Performance – PM
Ian 7:09 rx
Gil 7:09 rx
Ade 8:54
Nicole 9:28
David 9:28
KJ 9:22 rx
Austin 9:11
Matt 9:27
Melissa 8:45
Sean 9:22
Jessica 9:17
Matthew 11:52
Chris 10:54
Jeanette 9:12
Jeri 9:31
Leah 10:26
Christian 9:18 rx
Anjelica 9:40
Frank 9:26
Chris L 10:00 rx
Evil 11:30 rx
Brad 9:15 rx
Heather 8:25
Paul 9:52
Cassie 10:50
Carrie 12:45 rx
Steelman 9:23 rx