WOD 4/24

Performance & Foundations
7 Rounds
7 Power Clean
7 Push Press
200 M Run
7 Deadlifts
7 Back Squats
200 M Run
M: 115 lb, W: 75 lb

“High achievement always takes place in the framework of high expectation.” -Charles Kettering

Performance & Foundations – AM time #
Gage 25:10 rx (row)
Beverly 24:34 55
Sarah 29:03 55
Vy 24:56 55
Matt 28:23 95
Kate 30:35 35
Adrian 29:59 65
Braden 25:36 75
Shauna 30:00 55
Ivan 25:20 rx UB
Fernando 29:03 db
Lisa 32:28 db
Ebelia 32:15 db
LaShea 26:34 45
Healy 30:11 45
Claudia 28:04 45
Page 24:11 rx
Creamer 26:39 95
Tow Matt 32:04 rx
Schittone 30:05
Gilbert 25:56 95
Mr.T 33:01 rx
Jose 31:53 75
Erica 26:29 65
Ray 25:29 75
Todd 32:03 rx
Tom 29:20 rx
Kevin 32:11 75
Dylan 28:41 rx
Ladies Class
Mer 29:20 55
All Levels – Noon
Tito 23:37 rx
Joey 23:52 mod
Faraon 27:02 mod
Foundations & Performance – PM
Brian 30:01 75
Jeri 26:18 55
Matthew 55
Mary 24:52 55
Gil rx
Walker 29:04 55
Sean 25:14 75
Kline 22:55 70
Matt 26:32 85
Vince 28:23 75
Adelle 30 L1
Joseph 30 L1
Alex 30 L1
Jake 29:10
Chanden 21:48
Shanon 20:48
Rahul 31:01 95
Heather 24:55 rx
Paul 27:35 95
Chrissy 28:30 45
Brad 34:00 95
Ian 24:10 rx
Missy 32:41 55
Cassie 31:06 55
PJ 28:50 95
Chris 25:24 75
JRod 33:46 75
Aubrey 31:19 35
C Lee 27:55 95