WOD 8/4

5 Rounds
7 Ring Dips
14 Overhead Lunges (45 lbs, 25 lbs)
21 Squats

Control your own destiny or someone else will. -Jack Welch


**Announcement**– Tomorrow we will be starting the 50 Day 10,000 Push-up Challenge, check out the rules HERE and do me a solid, let me know if “you’re in” in the comments section, or if you have any questions about the challenge.


AM Results
Mike 12:12 Rx
Laura 12:06 (Band)
Megan C. 10:31 (Band)
Jennie 8:23 (Band)
Walker 7:53 (Band)
Michelle 7:59 (Band)
Rob 9:56 Rx
Blake 10:15 Rx
Heather 11:12 (Chair Dips, 15 lb)
Amber 10:28 (Chair Dips, 15 lb)
Matt 11:30 (Chair Dips, 15 lb)
Dave 11:28 (Band)
Kim 8:49 (Band)
Mel 8:03 (Band)
Andrew 11:16 (Band)
PM Results
Stacey 6:37 (Band)
Betsy 7:31 (Band)
Sheena 7:52 (Band)
Kristin 9:09 (Box Jumps, 20 lb vest)
Tristy Skill Work
Matt 10:28 (Band)
Fernie 7:17 Rx
Paxson 9:14 Rx
Erika 10:53 (Chair Dips, 15 lb)
Tara 9:12 (Chair Dips)
Smeth 10:32 Rx
Aurelia 11:08 (Chair Dips, 15 lbs)
Megan T. 11:00 (Band)
Katherine 7:47 (Chair Dips, 10 lbs, 1/2 reps L & Sq)