WOD 1/24

A. In 10 Minutes Builde to a Challenging Thruster (80-90% of PP, from Rack)

B. 15:00 AMRAP
9 ‘heavy’ thrusters @ 115 / 75 / 55
9 kipping pull-ups
15′ out and 15′ back Overhead dumbbell lunge -one hand- @ 40-55 lb  / 25 – 35 lb / 15
10 burpees with 15′ lateral shuffle
1:00 rest
*rounds + reps recorded
Scaling Guide:
– 4-5 Rounds  including the rest.
– Scale Up: 16 kipping pull ups per round.


THIS Saturday! 10:00 am – 1:00 pm – Gymnastics Seminar with Coach David Henderson

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