WOD 7/12

Weekly Buy In/ Cash out
Snatch Pull-unders 3×10
Hollow Rocks 3x:45

Snatch Cluster (Do same weight as last week)
(Do one Snatch, rest exactly 30 seconds, continue until you’ve reached 5 reps)
Rest 3:00
Snatch Cluster (add 5 to 10 lbs from last cluster)
(Do one Snatch, rest exactly 30 seconds, continue until you’ve reached 5 reps)
*Cluster weights recorded


3 Rounds
15 Russian Swings
10 Wall Balls
200 M Run
1:00 Rest

When you are through changing, you are through. -Bruce Barton

.25 Seconds

– Next round of Oly Classes start this Wednesday, 3 PM, 6:30 PM, and 7:30 PM sign up now!
– Wes will be doing free assessments during the 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM Class on Tuesday and Thursday this week, Thursday’s 7:30 AM class will be assessments only.

AM Results
Cluster WOD
Chaz 95lb (4) 6:40 Rx
“G” 60lb 7:38 Rx
Michael 85lb 6:57 Rx
Tristy 88 6:36 Rx
Walker 55 7:40 Rx
Tasha 40 6:58 (12K, 10 lb)
Jables 50 6:56 Rx
Amber 45 (4) 7:04 (12K, 10 lb S)
John 75 (4) 6:50 Rx
Rob 85 (4) 6:31 Rx+32K
Ryan 85 (4) 7:10 Rx
Tow Matt 85 (4) 7:26 Rx
PM Results
Blake 125 (3) 6:35 Rx+32K
Patrick 115 (4) 6:18 Rx
Cat 70 (3) 6:55 (10 lb)
Cody 105 6:18 Rx
Schittone 65 (P) 6:49 (16K, 6 lbs)
Trey 83 6:40 (16K)
Kirk 95 6:32 Rx
Alex 95 (4) 6:52 Rx
Liz 55 8:04 (12K)
Darlene 40 6:56 Rx
Sleeves 135 6:00 Rx+ 32K
Ashlee 25 (S) 6:50 (12 lb, 10 lb)
Julie 25 (S) 7:25 (10 lb, 6 lb S)
Megan 25 (S) 6:56 (10 lb, 6 lb S)
Carissa 45 6:30 (12K, 10 lb)
Jordan 50 7:28 (12K, 10 lb S)
Anthony 50 (4) 7:11 (16K, 15 lb)
On Ramp
Skipper 5 Rds