WOD 9/14

Buy in/Cash out
Snatch Pull-unders 2×8
Hollow Rocks 2x:45

2 Rounds
:30 Front Planks
:30 Right Side Planks
:30 Left Side Planks
:30 Dead Bugs
:30 Rest


800 M Run
5 Kip Pull-ups
5 Burpees
400 M Run
10 Kip Pull-ups
10 Burpees
200 M Run
15 Kip Pull-ups
15 Burpees

Success has nothing to do with what you gain in life or accomplish for yourself. It’s what you do for others.
– Danny Thomas

Not to long ago

-Take advantage of free Olympic lifting classes with 2 time Olympian, Chad Vaughn. Sign up here
Fight Gone Bad, Sept. 25th…sign up and reserve your spot!!
-There will be no Saturday workout on September 25th!!

AM Results
Chaz 9:43 Rx
Mike 11:01 Rx
Ainsley 14:11 (MOD)
Boone 8:36 Rx
Liz 17:07 (Band)
PM Results
Sherman 14:48 Rx
Cat 14:34 (Band)
“G” 13:05 Rx
Sarah 13:35 (Jump)
Winner 14:03 Rx
Claire 11:56 (Band)
John 11:29 Rx
Chi-Mike 10:34 Rx
Ginger 15:39 (RR, Sprawl)
Stephanie 13:05 (Jump, Sprawl)
Tasha 13:44 (Band)
Julie 13:32 Rx
Mark 15:52 (Jump)
Christy 10:24 (Band)
Kirk 9:15 Rx
Jerry 9:23 Rx
Alex 10:15 Rx
Jennifer 11:25 (Band)
Cara 14:44 (Jump, Sprawl)
L.G. 15:53 (Band)
Heather DNF