COA 2013 Testimonials

An Interview With The Circle Of Awesomeness 2013 Winners

“Life-changing. Encouraging. Inspiring”

Athlete: Leah Alter
CrossFit Austin Member: Est. September 2011
Female Winner of COA 2013

Circle of Awesomeness in 6 words or less?
“Life-changing, encouraging, inspiring”

Greatest struggle/obstacle with COA 2013
The workout “Kelly” (my shins got hit both times, still have scars!)

Greatest achievement with COA 2013
I won!

Basically, state the goals you set for yourself for COA 2013
To improve on all my initial tests, stay strict paleo/no drinking, lose weight/inches/body fat

Favorite part of COA 2013
The encouragement and time with my teammates. Coach Sharon was our team lead and did a great job keeping us all connected. We really pushed and supported each other.

Words of advice for those new to the CrossFit Austin Community
This is my 3rd COA challenge. The first one I did only after being a part of the gym a couple months.  It really was the thing that made me fall in love with CFA and CrossFit in general. It was so hard, so rewarding. There is no one that wouldn’t benefit from it.  Even if you can’t commit to everything 100%, pick one or two things you really need to work on and just focus on that.  It also really sets you up for a great year.

Anything to say to our CrossFit Austin veterans who’ve never done COA?
C’mon already.  What? You scared?

If anything, what would you change about the Circle if Awesomeness?
That we don’t do more of them. It’s a great CFA tradition. I’m super excited to take part for a 3rd year.  Bring it!


“Challenge. Struggle. Uncomfortable. Exciting. Eye-opening”

Athlete: Bradley Anderson
CrossFit Austin Member: Est. July 2012
Male Winner of COA 2013

Circle of Awesomeness in 6 words or less?
“Challenge. Struggle. Uncomfortable. Exciting. Eye-opening”

Greatest struggle/obstacle with COA 2013
My greatest struggle with the COA was trying to eat great ALL the time. I have always thought I ate well but I still enjoy caving into my sweet tooth from time to time.  I did cave during the COA 2013 and I felt I could feel it in my workouts and it was not positive lol

Greatest achievement with COA 2013
Doing a competition type event. Although this was not with a hundred people yelling at you all the time you had stuff to keep you on your toes and made sure you were on top of your game at all times.  It was stressful and exciting like a competition.

Basically, state the goals you set for yourself for COA 2013
My goals for the beginning were to lean down and get into the best shape of my life.  I feel like I achieved one of those two goals but remember I told ya I caved into my sweet tooth so one was not quite complete! Haha!!

Favorite part of COA 2013
My favorite part of COA were the workouts! I love to workout and it challenged me in aspects of my fitness that I was lacking. Areas that I never focused on before and while I improved it definitely showed me that I had some very large weaknesses. Weaknesses that today I am still working on mastering.

Words of advice for those new to the CrossFit Austin Community
Do it with everything you have in you! It is not that long tell all your friends and family about it and if they try to get you to do something that would hinder it, tell them to wait a few weeks and then you can see if you want to allow yourself to stray a little bit from your goals.

Anything to say to our CrossFit Austin veterans who’ve never done COA?
The same that I would a new CFA member, do it with everything you got in you, challenge yourself and see how far you can go in such a short period of time! You will be surprised that even though you think your good now you can always get way better!

If anything, what would you change about the Circle if Awesomeness?
Well of course make all the workouts something I was good at lol!! But to be real I think it was a lot of fun and really pushed me out of my comfort zone which at the time I would have changed but now I am glad for all that it taught me.  I would only change how I approached the challenge and what effort I put into completing it.


Circle of Awesomeness Challenge Testimonial

The 2013 Circle of Awesomeness Challenge is right around the corner and we hope you’re getting fired up for the awesomeness that is coming! Past challenges have produced some amazing results, some of which we’d like to share with you. One such success story belongs to Gary Kanning…

Gary’s Results…

  • Lost 1.5% body fat
  • Increased 1 RM Power Snatch by 20lbs
  • Increased 1 RM Clean to Thruster by 25lbs
  • Increased L-sit hold time by 38 seconds
  • Increased 5 RM Front Squat by 25lbs
  • Increased FGB score by 28 reps
  • Decreased 2-Mile time by 1:02
  • Decreased Karen time by 52 seconds
  • Decreased Annie time by 1:52

A word from Gary…

“I really had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed up for the challenge last year. It changed my life in so many unexpected ways. I’m happier and healthier because of it and I can’t wait to do it again!”

Learn more about the
2013 Circle of Awesomeness Challenge

*Now through 1/16, receive an “early bird” discount at registration with promo code “EARLYBIRD2”

Strength + Beauty Athlete Profile

The CrossFit Austin Strength + Beauty Challenge starts up again January 13th, 2013! Past sessions have led to some amazing results, some of which we just have to share with you! This week’s athlete is Julie “Crash” Shamblin.

Crash’s Results
Over the course of the 4-week Challenge, Crash…

  • Lost 13.8 pounds
  • Lost 20.5 inches total
  • Lost 5.4% body fat

About Crash
I am so proud of Julie (aka Crash)! From Day 1, she was prepared and ready for the challenge. Throughout the challenge, she began to find a stronger meaning to all the nutrition, workouts, group meetings etc… that, beyond aesthetics, this is about something deeper. There is a strength and beauty that is in all of us and it is powerful when found. Crash radiates from her core outwards and affects everyone around her. She is an inspiration and a role model. I am so excited to see what this girl will achieve in the future. She never ceases to amaze me. – Coach Alex

A word from Crash

Day 5“I can’t believe how fast my body is responding to the changes I’ve made. I feel awesome! I honestly have no cravings right now, other than wanting a glass of red wine last night. Like I said the other day, I think I was so ready mentally and physically to do this challenge, my body and mind are already thanking me!”
Day 11“I have noticed that my new-found positive energy is spreading throughout every part of my life, not just my nutrition and fitness. Procrastination used to be my middle name, but instead of trying to think of excuses to delay tasks, now I just do them and move on. I knew I would improve my physical health with this challenge, but it’s also doing amazing things for my mental and emotional health.”
Day 12“I feel ridiculously good.” 
Day 16“Felt fantastic today. My sleep quality has improved a lot since starting S+B.”

The above statements are direct quotes from my Strength & Beauty log when I did the program in October. They speak for themselves and to the overall improvements I made. I have done challenges before, but I never had as much success as I did doing Strength & Beauty. The weight I lost does not compare to the amount of strength gained and confidence restored. I made a personal decision to do the entire S&B challenge with zero cheats so I had nothing to think about, nothing to consider, nothing to agonize over – just eat right, exercise, sleep, and drink plenty of water. My motto became “This is not hard”. I even used it as a cadence when running 400m laps around the building. There are plenty of things in life that are hard, but clean eating and exercising are not. It is a privilege to take care of my own body, the only one I’ll ever have.

Alex is a compassionate, sweet soul, and I greatly enjoyed her guidance and leadership in this program. Her encouragement and feedback, as well as being surrounded by a group of dedicated women, helped motivate me each week. All I can really say is if you are thinking about doing S&B, stop. Don’t think about it for another second. Sign up and do it. It’ll be better than any gift you got from under a tree. 😉

Learn more about the Strength + Beauty Challenge.

Registration for the January-February Session opens January 2nd
and the Challenge will run from 01/13/13 – 02/10/13.

Strength + Beauty Athlete Profile

The CrossFit Austin Strength + Beauty Challenge starts up again January 13th, 2013! Past sessions have led to some amazing results, some of which we just have to share with you! This week’s athlete is Aubrey Putney.

Aubrey’s Results
Over the course of the 4-week Challenge, Aubrey…

  • Lost 4 pounds
  • Lost 9.5 inches total
  • Lost 4.3% body fat

About Aubrey
“Aubrey was such and integral part of the September group and I can truly say that it would not have been the same without her. She is leader, beautiful, always uplifting, positive, and motivating! She a strong, positive role model to those around her well as all mothers/soon to be mothers.” –
Coach Alex Janss

A word from Aubrey
“I didn’t sign up for S + B to lose weight, I signed up to hold myself accountable to a Paleo diet and regular exercise. After having a baby, I was struggling with finding time to fit it all in – work, play with my baby, workout, have “me” time, enjoy time with my husband, etc. Working out and eating right were the first things to go, so when the Strength and Beauty program began, I knew I had to get on board and get some accountability in these areas.

Guess what…I was able to do it all! Workout, work, and have better quality time with Lilah and Boone.

When you eat healthy, and exercise, your body naturally becomes more efficient. My emotions were more stable, I could focus better, and my attitude was more positive. I didn’t have more time in the day, but the way I used my time was more effective. If you think you don’t have time to workout and eat healthy, think again.

Thank you so much to Alex for hosting this program at CrossFit Austin. It is a HUGE motivator to be surrounded by such strong, beautiful women!” – Aubrey Putney

Learn more about the Strength + Beauty Challenge.

Registration for the January-February Session opens January 2nd
and the Challenge will run from 01/13/13 – 02/10/13.

Circle of Awesomeness Challenge Testimonial

The 2013 Circle of Awesomeness Challenge is right around the corner and we hope you’re getting fired up for the awesomeness that is coming! Past challenges have produced some amazing results, some of which we’d like to share with you. One such success story belongs to Mikey Muna…


Mikey’s Results…

  • Lost 3.1% body fat
  • Increased 1 RM Power Snatch by 10lbs
  • Increased 1 RM Clean to Thruster by 10lbs
  • Increased L-sit hold time by 8 seconds
  • Increased FGB score by 22 reps
  • Decreased 2-Mile time by 1:04
  • Decreased Karen time by 32 seconds
  • Decreased Annie time by 1:17

A word from Mikey…

“The best part of the Circle of Awesomeness Challenge is the competition. Because you will be focusing on getting a bit faster and a bit stronger so you can do better than you did at the beginning (and better than the other competitors), you won’t even notice how much your body changes. If you’re willing to buy into the program, and I mean really all-out commit to it, then there’s no way that you won’t see a huge change in your whole life. And it’s only 30 days. Come on.”

Learn more about the
2013 Circle of Awesomeness Challenge

*Now through 12/30, receive our best Early Bird discount at registration with promo code “EARLYBIRD”

Strength + Beauty Athlete Profile

The CrossFit Austin Strength + Beauty Challenge starts up again January 13th, 2013! Past sessions have led to some amazing results, some of which we will be sharing with you over the next few weeks. This week’s athlete is Jenny Moore.

Jenny’s Results
Over the course of the 4-week Challenge, Jenny…

  • Lost 12 pounds
  • Lost 8 inches total
  • Lost 4.4% body fat

About Jenny
Jenny was part of the first Strength and Beauty Challenge held at CrossFit Austin in September 2012. I was so blessed to have her. She is always uplifting, funny, positive and sweet! Her beauty on the inside matches the beauty on the outside, you can see it in her performance, confidence, spirit and so much more. –
Coach Alex

A word from Jenny
“I’m super motivated to continue this healthier lifestyle, but the results make me even more pumped up! Coach Alex, thank you for all your hardwork. You have no idea the difference you’ve made in my life! ” – Jenny Moore

Learn more about the Strength + Beauty Challenge.

Registration for the January-February Session opens January 2nd
and the Challenge will run from 01/13/13 – 02/10/13.

Testimonial Tuesday: Erica Cuellar

Slim Truth

From the age of 15, my fitness goals have been equated to the notion of being skinny. I had associated being skinny with being healthy and literally went through all extremes in achieving this misconception.  At the age of 16, I started taking diet pills (Xenadrine, to be exact), which then led to obsessive exercising, followed by my horrible secret – bulimia.  Although I may have never been extreme about it, it was something that was a part of my life, off and on, up until a few years ago.

I have battled with insecurities and self-image issues for most of my life, that is, until I encountered CrossFit.  I started crossfitting at CFA close to a year ago with one purpose in mind, to lose weight and attain my goal of being “skinny”. However, so much more happened to me and for that I will be forever grateful to my CFA family.   Since my first day of on-ramp I was hooked.  Shortly after I started CrossFit, I started to see changes in my body and I was ecstatic because I was finally on my way to achieving my misguided goal.  However, something spectacular began to happen 3 to 4 months in, and I realized that I was no longer focused on trying to be thin. Instead, I was focused on getting stronger, faster, and healthier. Most importantly, I started to believe in myself.

Today, I truly believe that I am a better person because of CrossFit. It has allowed me to accept myself and begin to truly enjoy and love my life. I had never realized how little I believed in myself and how good I was at convincing others and myself that I was somewhat of a confident person. Through this journey, I’ve really discovered what confidence is and what it takes to be healthy and fit. I no longer care what number the scale shows, or fitting into a size 4, or even being “skinny” for that matter. What now matters most to me is knowing that I am treating my body well by exercising and eating healthy. Also, that I am mentally and emotionally stronger so I can continue to set and achieve my goals.   Strength has become my new skinny. My goal is now to get to a point where I am able to coach CrossFit classes. I want to continue to be a part of such a wonderful sport and family and watch and support others flourish and obtain their goals. To me, this is the beauty of CrossFit, not the physical transformation one has, but the mental. It doesn’t get better than this.

Cheers to being healthy and fit.


Testimonial Tuesday: Kristin Shanahan

I’ve been active the majority of my life. I started competitively swimming at the age of 4 and kept on until high school. I’d always been pretty self-conscious of my weight and tried several attempts at weight loss – always struggling with those 10-15 pesky pounds. I was successful once at ‘healthy’ weight loss after seeing a dietician in high school. However, I felt calorie counting was too hard and took too much time. So, in college I went back to attempting the low-fat diet and usually was able to maintain my 10-15lbs ‘overweight’ and just accepted that that’s just the way my body was (big-boned, thick, etc….) I majored in health and prided myself for my ‘knowledge’ about nutrition and exercise. I did my 3-5 days a week – 45 minutes of cardio and 3 sets of 10-15 weights. I continued this for years, was even certified as a personal trainer and spin instructor and worked in the fitness industry for several years after college.

In June of 2008, the dreaded year I turned 30 (gasp!), I decided it was time for my husband and me to think about starting a family. I’d been on birth control for many years and having heard many stories from friends about infertility issues, I was unsure if I, too, could have infertility problems…I also wanted to see if getting off of the hormones would help me lose those last few pounds that I’d been dying to shed for oh…20 years?! (Geez, us women, we’re so hard on ourselves…). So, I stopped taking birth control. The first month after getting off, everything was normal…but then crazy things started happening to my body. My cycles were taking longer to show up, I was gaining weight by the week and was starting to have crazy cystic acne (I’d never had acne my whole life). I’d known about CrossFit by both Google and CrossFit Houston owner, Carlos Ibarra. In early December of 2008, after 72 days of not having a cycle and putting on an extra 12 pounds (since June!!), I decided to take the plunge and call CrossFit Austin. Wes and I can thankfully laugh about our conversation now but I was probably the biggest pain in his butt since opening their doors. I basically grilled Wes about techniques, programming, etc for 45 minutes on the phone. In order for Wes to finally end the conversation (poor guy), he said, “Kristin, we can talk about this all day until we’re blue in the face or you can just come in and try it out….” Cue, “SHUT UP.” So, I meekly said ok and went in two days later for my assessment. I’ve never looked back since joining. (It’s been 3 years now…sniff, sniff.)

Three weeks after joining, I had a doctor’s appointment to figure out what was going on with my body. Just as I’d suspected, I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is the leading cause of infertility. It is also a precursor to many health problems including diabetes and heart disease. This scared the crap out of me. I asked my doctor what the options were – his response “Well, if you don’t want to gain 20lbs you should just get back on birth control…oh and you’re probably going to have a hard time getting pregnant.” As a woman, hearing your body isn’t going to do what it’s supposed to is pretty upsetting and I left the office in tears. I went to the gym and spoke with Boone and Wes about the diagnosis (they graciously listened to TMI). Both of them encouraged me to try Paleo. The pride of my education wanted to take over but another part of me said “what the hell do you have to lose in trying this?” So, I embarked on the Paleo diet, making small changes over time (I can’t eat a low-carb tortilla??). My body slowly started responding; my cycles weren’t perfect but weren’t all over the place anymore. Robb Wolf and I sent several emails back and forth, and he referred me to a naturopath in Arizona, Garrett Smith, who helped me with a few more supplements to help get my hormones back on track. Things weren’t perfect but I was losing weight and at the same time getting stronger.

By August of 2009, I’d lost 18 pounds, without birth control. And in December of 2009, after feeling ridiculously car sick on the way home from Houston, I took a pregnancy test and it was POSITIVE. Wait, what happened to it being hard for me to get pregnant? We weren’t even ‘trying’! 🙂 I crossfitted through my entire pregnancy (I did Karen with a 6lb ball at 32 weeks!!). Anna Rose Shananan was welcomed into the world on August 11, 2010.

I will NEVER be able to truly convey my gratitude for CrossFit Austin. It has become a staple of who I am. I love walking in the doors of the gym to talk a little crap to the coaches, sweat next to amazing athletes who never stop encouraging me and laugh with what has become my second family. CrossFit has taught me so many things but above all it’s taught me humility, confidence and to never, ever stop trying.

Would you like to share your CFA story? We’d love to hear it! Send your testimonial to

Testimonial Tuesday: Coach Leigh LeGare

“I’m Sexy and I Know It”

I have had what I consider a “big girl” complex.  Being a big girl is reality for me at 5’9” tall. But my insecurity about my size is not just due to my height – it has been rooted in my past as long as I can remember.  I have never been a small or even an average-framed girl. I was born a whopping 11 pound, 23” long baby (sorry, Mom)! It was never in my cards to be a petite gal.  I was always naturally athletic, with more muscle mass than most girls (and guys, for that matter).  It worked in my favor when it came to sports, but outside of that, it intimidated my peers.  My broad shoulders garnered me names like “football player looking girl” and “turtle.”  At 15, puberty hit, metabolism slowed down, food intake stayed the same, and I gained weight. My athletic frame became a chubby frame.  I went from a size 8/10 to a 16/18 by the time I graduated college.  Now I was tall and overweight – a big girl.

After graduating from college and finally accepting responsibility for my weight, I buckled down.  I hit the gym harder and dialed in on nutrition.  I saw immediate results, and because of that, became a personal trainer. From 2006 to 2010, I was training others to reach their fitness goals while I was on my own journey of getting back to the athletic frame I was born with.  However, as I was losing the weight and becoming physically healthier and more attractive, my outlook was as unhealthy as it had ever been!  I fed my mind so much junk food about my appearance and desirability, that I had convinced myself that my efforts were never good enough. In my mind, I was too big to get the guy of my dreams.  It didn’t matter how much weight I lost or how well I was doing, my mental image was that of a big girl.

My “big girl” complex caused a whirlwind of problems.  My health and fitness went on its own roller coaster.  My unfit outlook brought on new insecurities leading to even greater losses of self-confidence and self-worth.  It even affected my dating life. If a guy was interested in me, I would sabotage the relationship based on the image I had of being too big for him.  It was a nightmare.

I’ve been thinking about how CrossFit Austin fit into this whole mindset thing for me.  I knew CFA helped me accomplish great results physically, but I couldn’t pinpoint that one life-altering thing. When I joined CFA, I had already been crossfitting for about a year.  I had already seen new and life-altering physical results.  And those results were consistent!  It wasn’t until a recent date with a guy when I realized how CFA has changed my life on the inside, too.

For the sake of saving this charming man’s identity, I’m going to name him Date Lesson #5347. We met for frozen yogurt (yum), and the owners made him buy me a rose (awkward). The conversation was good and we left on a positive note.  There weren’t any big sparks, but definitely worth a second date.  The next day, we had a texting conversation that went something like this:

Lesson #5347:  So, what do you think?  Blunt please.

Me:  Thank you for the fro yo!  I had a great time even though the owners might have made it awkward.  And what do you think?

Lesson #5347:  You’re def more built than I was expecting.

Me:  Not sure how to respond to that…I’m not offended and won’t be but…good or bad?

Lesson #5347:  Obviously you’re gorgeous!  It’s just not what I’m initially attracted to.

Me:  (No response)

Lesson #5347:  (after a few hours) So I know my statement might have been a lil off.  Wanna talk about it?

Me:  It wasn’t off.  It was honest and I appreciate/asked for it.  I know my frame isn’t considered the norm and I’m ok with that.  Just not sure if you’re ok with that and that’s ok too.  I’m happy with me…to each his own.

Lesson #5347:  I had fun with you.  Want to hang out again?

Me:  I don’t think there’s a romantic interest.

My responses to Lesson #5347 says it all in terms of where I am now mentally, and because of CFA, I wasn’t offended by anything he said. But because of what he said, I wasn’t interested anymore.  He no longer interested me! My appearance shows my hard work, and if that wasn’t attractive to him, it wasn’t going to work out.  After this interaction and re-reading the texts, the realization finally hit me!  My “big girl” complex was over!

What a great “aha” moment for me! The wasted emotion I spent on beating myself up over something I couldn’t control was finally over.  I finally reached the destination of my 14-year journey to physical and mental fitness! And I owe this breakthrough to CFA.  I’m surrounded daily by people who genuinely support, motivate and encourage me. CFA has become my family, where I’ve learned and conquered so many things about myself through sharing the stories and experiences of those who workout next to me.   I have to give a shout out here to our men, as they have been a huge help for me.  They have given me faith that there are still men out there who will appreciate a strong, muscular woman.  Thank you to our guys who don’t get “meatheadish” or crude around the ladies, and instead are the first to push/support us.  It has really helped in breaking down my “big girl” complex.

In these ways, CFA has made me mentally fit.  Without CFA in my life, I wouldn’t have been able to get as strong, as fast, or as toned as I have this past year.  I owe the entire CFA community for that, and I am excited to be rid of the internal junk that hindered my fitness potential and decreased my self- worth for so many years.  I firmly believe that in order to really reach your fitness goals, you’ve got to be mentally healthy too!  What I considered not to be “normal” about myself for so long is, in reality, still not normal.  After all, with all the air brushed models on magazine covers and fast food restaurants on every corner, true fitness isn’t normal.  Like I told Date Lesson #5347, I’m okay with that.  I’m a healthy “abnormal!”

Thank you CFA for allowing me to see me for me, accept me, embrace me and now OWN me!

Coach Leigh

Testimonial Tuesday: Jennifer “Machine Gun Jenny” Felps

People love a before and after weight loss story. Magazine covers screaming about, “Half Her Size!” or “Big Bride Loses It All For Big Day” inevitably accompanied by a picture of the smiling subject standing in one leg of the tent-like elastic waist Mom jeans she used to call home. This is not one of those stories.

My story is the story of a globo-gym regular that was told they were not CrossFit material. I was overweight, but more than that, I couldn’t move anymore after babying a knee injury for years per doctor’s advice. Because I stopped moving, I couldn’t really breathe well. Luckily, this is also the story of a girl too stubborn to care what people say. I wanted something challenging. I wanted something hard. I knew it wouldn’t be easy, and I knew I needed help. So I gathered all the courage I could muster and called CFA. Boone did not miss a beat when I told him I was fat and injured. He said come in. I have never looked back.

The two weeks of On Ramp classes were the hardest two weeks of my life. Rob and Walker encouraged me constantly and answered all of my many questions, while calling me on my questionable form. It was early, it was cold, and it took every ounce of strength I could muster to get through those 3 hours a week. I couldn’t bend my knees to parallel. I couldn’t do a push-up. I was like a deer in headlights during Oly lifting lessons. But as soon as my two weeks were up, I signed up for unlimited classes. On Ramp ended on Thursday and I was back on Monday. I didn’t give myself a single reason to lose momentum. My 3 days a week became 4, and then 5 as I got back in shape.

And I just kept coming back. I was always the slowest time on the board. I had to mod nearly every WOD. But I never finished alone. Someone would come over and encourage me every single time I struggled. It was amazing. And I got better. I got stronger. Lots stronger. The key was deciding to believe the coaches. When Tristy told me I was stronger than I realized, I believed her. When Wes said I could do more weight, I put it on the bar. I take the cues and advice and really try to get better with every WOD. CrossFit Austin is the leap of faith I finally took.

And now, 10 months later, I’m a CrossFitter. While I will never be a super-fast runner or a super-high jumper, I can lift. I remember looking up at the Quarter Ton Board many times and thinking, “How is that even possible? How can I ever get from here to there?” And now my name is on it. I no longer look at the WOD on the board and think that I can’t do it. Now it’s a challenge. I know I will do it. Every time. Even if I’m last, and even if I mod, I will finish the WOD. And if anyone is still working at it when I do, I cheer them on and pay it forward. No matter how strong we are as individuals, we are stronger together. I feel that every time I walk in the doors.

So my “after” picture doesn’t have inspirational fat pants. My picture would be my husband who has a more relaxed wife, my son who has a happier mom. It would include my whole CFA family and all of the coaches. My muscles are bigger for sure, but so is my confidence, my pride, and my heart. I’m excited about my future, not afraid of my limitations. There is no greater inspiration than that.

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