CrossFit Austin: The Catalyst for Personal Evolution
Over the course of the last two month’s the staff at CrossFit Austin has been on a mission to better define our mission :). We started back in July with the goal of “creating a mission statement” and ended last week with not only that, but a great set of guiding principles, or “Core Values”. The process was great for me because what we came up with wasn’t just a directive from me and Boone, the owners of CFA, but a collective result of what the coaches and staff personally believe in, as well as their own personal missions. So without any further ado I will present our mission statement and core values with a brief descriptor of each. Over the coming weeks I will go in depth into each core value so the members of CFA can get a deeper picture as to what we as staff ultimately want for each and every one of you.
Mission Statement
CrossFit Austin: The Catalyst for Personal Evolution
Catalyst : an agent that provokes or speeds significant change or action
Evolution: a process of change in a certain direction
No one would walk through the doors of CrossFit Austin if they didn’t want to grow or make a positive change in their life. We believe that growth and change ultimately must happen intrinsically and that our job is to be the agent that increases the speed and significance of that change. In short, your job is to decide you want to be better, and our job is to give you the tools to get there.
Core Values
- Purposeful Training – Having sound reasoning and intention for every action we take, and every action we ask our athletes take.
- Community – Creating a group of people that share the common goal of improving not only their own lives but also the lives of those around them. A safe environment where folks can challenge themselves amongst friends, not strangers.
- Excellence – Doing the little things that others won’t to build coaches, athletes, and programs that cannot be duplicated. Pushing everyone around us to be the best version of themselves, everyday.
- Integrity – Always doing what’s right even if it’s not easy. We are here to make people better and improve lives, not provide a quick fix.
- Fun – Don’t take ourselves too seriously. We train because we love it, and we love the people we surround ourselves with. There is no room for egos here, and our priority is to make CFA a fun and welcoming place.
As I mentioned above, I’m excited to dive deeper into each core value over the next several weeks. I want to thank all the coaches for their hard work on this and let it be known that I’m simply the messenger conveying their words and thoughts to CFA as a whole. I’d also like to give a special thank you to Sharon for pushing us to take on this project. Finally I’d like to challenge each one of you to think about the core values and see if your actions align with what we want to embody as a community, and thank you for challenging and inspiring us to be better daily!
-Wes Kimball