December Athlete of The Month: Sean Cousens!
In an effort to get to know the fine folks of CrossFit Austin, we embark on our Athlete of the Month series. Each month we spotlight a different CFA athlete who stands out and shows just how awesome they are. This month we have chosen the always delightful Sean Cousens!
State your Name and/or Nickname please:
Sean Cousens. In high school, friends called me ‘Cousinnnnnssss’ but now I’ll pretty much respond to anything.
Words to live by?
Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary….that’s what gets you.
What is your fitness background?
Growing up, I was never much of a fitness guru, but kept active playing soccer, snow skiing and hiking. After high school, I began jogging regularly and did my first half marathon in San Antonio in 2012. About two years ago I realized I wanted to do more than just running and I’d heard of CrossFit from a friend so decided to give it a try and here I am still at it today.
How long have you been CrossFitting?
I joined CrossFit Austin at the end of May 2013, so about a year and a half.
What’s your favorite part of CrossFit Austin?
No question – the people. Coaches are great and I really enjoy the comradery with other CrossFit members.
What are your training goals?
I don’t have a particular goal, I really just want to continue to increase strength and mobility. For me, it’s more about the journey than the destination.
Favorite sport or activity?
Does happy hour count? Football is my favorite sport to watch. I’m from the Pacific NW so am naturally a Seattle Seahawks fan! Go HAWKS!
I’ve always been into cars and racing so when F1 came to Austin, I couldn’t have been more excited. I never miss an opportunity to get out to the track.
Recent adventure you’re planning?
Planning a trip to Montana and Yellowstone for some snowmobiling this February. Also planning a deep sea fishing trip in the Gulf of Mexico this spring/summer.
Tell us something we don’t know about you…
I used to live in Central Oregon where I as a volunteer firefighter and EMT-B. When I moved to Austin, I found there weren’t any volunteer fire departments close to where I live so had to give it up. Would love to get back into it again someday.
Longhorns or Aggies?
I’m a Washington State Cougar Alumni so have to go with WSU! Between Longhorns and Aggies, definitely Longhorns!
Leave the fine folks of CrossFit Austin with some parting words…
I’ve had a blast getting to know everyone at CrossFit Austin. The coaches have been great helping me progress in my training and the comradery between CrossFit members is awesome! I can’t imagine a better place to be a member! Cheers!