South Central Regionals Wrap-Up
I want to thank everyone today for their help and support through this years’ Regionals competition. Thanks to: Our staff and coaches for the work they put in behind the scenes to make the weekend a special event for everyone, to all our CFA Family that drove down to San Antonio this weekend to cheer on Judy and the team, to the athletes that logged long hours in the gym, and to everyone that pushed the competitors so they’d be ready for the weekend . It really does take a village, and everyone at CrossFit Austin should be proud of the effort they’ve put in since the start of the open.
To Judy, Miguel, Aaron, Alex T., Stacey, Leigh, and Alex J. it’s been a pleasure watching all of you work, and grow over this weekend and over the last year. Your work ethic and drive is an inspiration to everyone around you and we couldn’t of had a better group out there representing CrossFit Austin. I and everyone at CFA are proud of all you’ve accomplished, the class, and dignity that you’ve shown throughout this process.
Thanks once again for putting in the hours, enduring the training, and making the sacrifices it takes to be a champion!
Coach Wes