The lovely and talented Coach Alex Janss will be leading the female athletes of CFA through a 4-week nutritional and fitness program designed to help set and achieve personal goals!
The challenge focuses on nutrition and workouts on your own with a 1x/week group check-in meeting to hold you accountable throughout the process. This is open to ALL Women and can be scaled to ALL levels of fitness – even if you are not a member of CrossFit Austin:
Coach Alex Janss
About Coach Alex Janss
Alex is a coach and personal trainer who uses fitness/CrossFit as a tool that enables her to empower people but the empowerment goes beyond athletic accomplishments. She addresses the whole person: body, mind and soul. She continually seeks out knowledge and experience in order to give the best to her clients.
Graduated from the University of Texas at Austin CrossFit Level 1 Certified Coach CrossFit Gymnastics Certified CrossFit Running and Endurance Certified CrossFit Rowing Certified CrossFit Movement and Mobility Certified University of Texas Collegiate Rower and Captain 2007 Selected for the US Rowing Development Camp 2009 Boston Marathon Qualifier 2010 CrossFit Games Competitor Team 2011 CrossFit Regionals Qualifier
When and Where?
S+B Sessions meet on Sundays from 5:00pm – 6:00pm at CrossFit Austin (8708 S. Congress Ave) The dates for the next session will be announced soon!
Price: $200 Current CFA members can save 25% on registration by entering the code “CFALADY” at checkout! Dates for the next session will be announced soon! (Space is limited- only 12 spots available!)
S&B Guidebook
Weekly Check-In Meeting & Workout held at CrossFit Austin
16 Workouts to Complete on Your Own (4 per week for 4 weeks)
28-Day Food List
28-Day Menu Guide
28-Day Supplement Recommendations
Goal Setting
Before and After Pictures
Before and After Body Composition
Before and After Fitness Evaluation
28 Daily Mission Emails
Gift Bag
Accountability to Food Log, Workouts and Much More!
About Coach Alex Janss
Alex is a coach and personal trainer who uses fitness/CrossFit as a tool that enables her to empower people but the empowerment goes beyond athletic accomplishments. She addresses the whole person: body, mind and soul. She continually seeks out knowledge and experience in order to give the best to her clients.
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