Training 7/16
BB Complex
4 Rounds
4 Hang Power Clean + 4 Front Squat +4 Push Jerk + 4 Back Squat
Rest 90 secs (light to moderate)
A. Sumo Deadlift
B1. CG Bench
B2. WTD Horizontal Ring Rows
15 min of 2-4 Reps@85-95% w/ 2-3 min rest
16 min EMOM
Even: 8 KB Squat Jumps
Odd: 8 CTB Pull ups
BB Complex
5 Rounds
4 Hang Power Clean + 4 Front Squat +4 Push Jerk + 4 Back Squat
Rest 90 secs (light to moderate)
A. Sumo Deadlift
B1. CG Bench
B2. WTD Horizontal Ring Rows
15 min of 2-4 Reps@85-95% w/ 2-3 min rest
8 min EMOM
8 KB Jump Squats