WOD 10/12
A. 18:00 EMOM
Min 1- Push Press x2x6 @ 85-90%
Min 2 – DB / KB Split Squats x3/leg x6
Min 3 – Rest
*Pick a weight and % do all sets at the same weight in both the movements.
B. 5 rounds
4 squat snatch 95lb/ 65lb / 35lb
Ring dips 6 / 3
20′ lateral shuffle x 10 (5 round trips), 1 hand line touch each rep
*12:00 Cap
*Time recorded
Optional ‘Cash Out’:
3 rounds.
100m farmer carry
15 Russian Kb swings
Scaling Guide:
– 6 – 10 minutes, about 1.5 min per round.
– power snatch + overhead squat acceptable for all athletes
– Sub ring push-ups for ring dips if needed
– Scale Up: 135/85lb bar, 4/2 muscle ups instead of ring dips
“Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year.”- Franklin Pierce Adams