WOD 10/15
Buy In/Cash Out
Spend 10 minutes practicing a picture perfect kip swing
3 Sets
8-12 L-Pull-ups or Partner Pull-ups
:20 Rest
10-15 Unbroken Wall Balls (10Ft line)
:20 Rest
:90 of Double Under Practice
1:00 Rest
*Post Pull-ups, and notes to comments
3 Rounds
Hill Sprint
15 Russian Step-ups
20 Russian Swings (24K, 16K)
:30 Rest
*Time Recorded
There’s no such thing as a free lunch. -Milton Friedman
Epilogue to the Cholesterol Story
-CFA is changing our morning class times!! Starting Monday, October 18th, we will be offering a 5:30am Monday and Wednesday class, and will no longer be offering an 8:30am Monday and Wednesday class. The new morning schedule will look like this:
Monday: 5:30am, 6:30am and 7:30am
Tuesday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am
Wednesday: 5:30am, 6:30am and 7:30am
Thursday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am
Friday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am