WOD 10/23

Level Two
30:00 AMRAP

400 M Run
10 KB Swings
10 Touch Jumps Touch Interval
10 KB Cross Chops (/side)
10 Box Jump (Step Down)

Mobility Circuit
4 Rounds
:30 Spiderman Walks
:30 Elephant Walk
:30 Front Plank Hold
:30 Toes to Sky
Rest :30

Level One
Handstand Push-up Progressions

*For load

Rest 5:00

Sitting is killing you
*Post thoughts to comments

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.” – T. S. Elliot

Congratulations to Dan, Leah, Nicole, and Sean on their performance at the Central TX Showdown this past weekend!

AM – Level 1
Garrett 1:22, 1:23
Morgen 1:31, 1:44
Amanda 1:43, 1:42
Frank 1:35, 1:37
Eric 1:18, 1:29
Erich 1:16, 1:20
Gabriel 1:22, 1:38
AM – Level 2
Mike 5
Mikey 6
Alex 4
JV 5
Big Spoon 6
Janet 5
Guthrie 5
Ivan 2
9AM 4
Michele 5 (MOD)
Ballet 6
Jeff 6
Ryan 6
Brad 7
Ray 6
AM – Ladies’
Mer 4
Emily 4
LV 6
Jenny 6
12P – Level 1
Avtar 1:12, 1:34
Heidi 2:15, 2:26
Anne 1:45, 1:50
Snick 1:25, 1:36
Shannon K 2:50, 2:45
Dixie 2:43, 2:25
Caroline 1:37, 1:41
Jonathan 1:02, 1:11
Smitty 1:26, 1:22
PM – Level 2
Diana 5
Kiehler 6
Marissa 6
Sherman 5
Melissa 5
Caitlin 5
Kevin 5
Bryan 5
Crash 4
Gil 4
Heather 4
Chris 6
Jeanette 6
Lane 5
Dayna 6
Shug 5
Andy 6
Melissa K 6
Pam 4
Blake 5
Turk 7
Laila 6
Leidy 5
Sean 6
Sanchez 5
JP 7