WOD 10/27



3 Rounds
15 DB Hang Clean (35 lbs, 20 lb)
10 Chest to Bar Pull-ups

Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
-Henry Ford

10 Tips for getting to sleep

Free Workout in the Park, Halloween Saturday, October 31st @ 10:30 AM, bring your costume!


AM Results
DL MetCon
Mike 185 7:36 (30 lb)
Michelle 115 5:23 (10 lb, Jump)
Shauna 175 9:29 (Chin)
Andrew 135 9:15 Rx
Dave 135 8:16 (Chin)
Aaron 125 9:00 (20 lb, Jump)
Jerry 145 10:15 (30 lb, Chin)
Rob 300 5:40 Rx
Lyzz 155 4:20 (Band)
Amber 125 5:53 (Jump)
Tow Matt 155 6:09 (30 lb, Jump)
Laura 145 5:21 (Jump)
Kim 105 5:05 (15 lb, Jump)
PM Results
Walker 135 7:11 Rx
Jables 145 8:09 (Band)
Nugget 375 9:14 Rx+55lb
G 135 5:53 (15lb, Jump)
Claire 125 5:11 (15lb, Jump)
Rufio 265 5:46 (Chin)
Robert 395 7:59 Rx
David Seth (OJOE) 225 7:12 (Jump)
Blake 420 6:06 Rx
Betsy 185 4:50 (Band)
Ashley 155 5:47 (15lb, Jump)
Courtney 125 5:01 (10lb, Jump)
Winner 125 4:36 (12lb, Jump)
Stacey 215 6:02 Rx+30lb
Kirk 225 7:53 (Jump)
Ally 115 5:20 (15lb, Jump)
John 195 5:39 (20lb, Jump)
Smeth 295 7:48 Rx
Jess 165 7:33 (20lb, Jump)
Brian 165 5:39 (20lb, Jump)
Kevin 185 7:37 (30lb, Jump)
David 250 5:14 (Chin)