WOD 10/30

Level Two
6 Rounds

40 Step-ups (total) (20”, 16”)
30 KB Tic Tacs (total) (24K, 16K)
20 Touch-Jump-Touch Intervals
10 KB Swings (24K,16K)
*45:00 Cap

Level One
Push Press

5:00 to find a “heavy 3” in the Press
5:00 to find a “heavy 2” in the Push Press
5:00 to find a “heavy 1” in the Jerk

Plate Farmer’s Walk/Bear Crawl Partner Relay
10:00 AMRAP
20 yards total (10 yd down and 10 yd back)
Alternating each round between:
Plate Farmers Walk (M: 45lb, W: 25lb)
Bear Crawl

Tip 463: Squat Training Tips To Use Range Of Motion To Your Advantage
*Post thoughts to comments

“Put all excuses aside and remember this: YOU are capable.” – Zig Ziglar

Congratulations to everyone who participated in the 2nd CF Classics Event on Friday!

AM – Level 1
Garrett 103lb 115lb 123lb 10
Morgen 53lb 53lb 87lb 13
Eric 73lb 83lb 93lb 13
Erich 125lb 135lb 150lb 11
AM – Level 2
Mikey 30:56 Rx
Guthrie 31:00
Big Spoon 31:40 Rx
Janet 31:19 Rx
JV 32:28 Rx
Sparker 34:00
Alex 38:20
MegO 38:42 Rx
Brad 26:28 Rx
Michael 29:30 Rx
AJ 30:12
Ryan 31:11
Tow Matt 32:45
Gwar 36:48
Michele 37:19
Ray 31:38
Bryan 33:18
Todd 36:58
AM – Ladies’
Jenny 25:19
LV 25:25
Mer 32:44
Josie 35:56
12p – Level 1
Snick 7
Jonathon 7
Avtar 9
Jonathan 9
Kayleen 8
Smitty 8
Caroline 8
PM – Level 2
Erica 27:13 Rx
Dayna 23:24 Rx
Schmidty 27:07
Pam 32:18
Gil 30:19
Cat 27:25
Jables 28:29
Jamey 23:48 Rx
Lane 21:48 Rx
Blake 27:27 Rx
Jeanette 24:28
Heather 28:12
Marky Marc 23:11
Melissa K 20:30
Cowboy 27:47
LG 30:02
AG 28:38 Rx
Dillard 28:54 Rx
Jennifer S 31:45
Patti 25:55
Leidy 29:45
Shug 33:56 Rx
Chrissy 27:47 Rx
Parnell 29:05 Rx+
Sanchez 25:40 Rx
Andy 24:50
Wade 27:56 Rx
George 22:09
Schittone 25:38 Rx