WOD 10/30

Push Press


5 Rounds
:30 Burpes
:30 Pull-ups
1:00 Rest

The truth of the matter is that you always know the right thing to do. The hard part is doing it.
-Norman Schwarzkopf

Being Childlike

Free Workout in the Park Tomorrow! Halloween, Saturday, October 31st @ 10:30 AM, bring your costume!
-The brand new Akins CrossFit Boot Camp starts Monday, November 9th @ 4:45 PM Click HERE for more info or to sign up!


AM Results
3×5 MetCon
Blake 175 102 Rx
Laura 80 94 (Jump)
Lyzz 80 110 (Band)
Shauna 75 94 Rx
Kim 70 95 (Jump)