WOD 10/5
All Levels
A1. RDL x10x3 @ 75%+ of Clean Rest :30
A2. Jane Fonda x:20×3 Rest :30
A3. Russian KB Swings x10x3 Rest 2:00
B. 1 Mile Time Trial
Tricks foods play
*Post thoughts to comments
“Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit. We are all the same in this notion: The potential for greatness lives within each of us.” – Wilma Rudolph
AM – All | |
Big Spoon | 6:10 |
Ivan | 6:20 |
Styx | 6:28 |
Jessie | 7:30 |
KJ | 7:52 |
Guthrie | 6:40 |
Valyn | 8:20 |
JV | 7:42 |
EJ | 6:51 |
Tow Matt | 6:57 |
Michele | MOD |
Shannon C | 8:37 |
Jackie | 8:53 |
Dayna | 6:45 |
Krista | 7:06 |
Mer | 8:37 |
E-Rod | 8:57 |
Derek | 9:47 |
Jen | 11:09 |
12P – All | |
Cameron | 6:48 |
49er | 7:27 |
Snick | 8:02 |
Gil | 7:38 |
Caroline | 8:43 |
Jennifer S | 8:32 |
Linzi | 8:02 |
Laila | 7:27 |