WOD 10/11

Buy In/Cash Out:
Spend 10 minutes practicing a picture perfect kip swing

3 Sets
6-8  Back  Squats @ 4010
Rest 3:00
*Post reps and weights to comments


5 Rounds
5 Power Cleans (135 lb, 95 lb)
200 M Run
10 Wall Balls (20 lb, 15 lb)
Rest 1:00
5 Push Press (135 lb, 95 lb)
200 M Run
10 Push-ups
Rest 1:00
*Total time and weight recorded

Freedom means the opportunity to be what we never thought we would be. -Daniel J. Boorstin

Naked Factor a Bonus

-CFA is changing our morning class times!!  Starting Monday, October 18th, we will be offering a 5:30am Monday and Wednesday class, and will no longer be offering an 8:30am Monday and Wednesday class.  The new morning schedule will look like this:
Monday: 5:30am, 6:30am and 7:30am
Tuesday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am
Wednesday: 5:30am, 6:30am and 7:30am
Thursday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am
Friday: 6:30am, 7:30am and 8:30am
Happy Hour at Little Woodrows in Southpark Meadows on Thursday, October 14th at 7:30pm!!

AM Results  
Taylor 24:45 (65lbs HPC, 15lb)
Prince 17:34 3 RNDS (65lbs, 10lbs)
Walker 26:32 (55lbs)
Joel 25:27 (75lbs, 15lbs)
Ray 23:32 (65lbs, 15lbs)
Julie 28:53 (35lbs, 6lbs, EKPU)
Jennifer 24:10 (65lbs)
Shanan 25:53 (75lbs)
Curby 27:26 Rx
Stephen 26:51 (95lbs)
Betsy 24:28 (75lbs, KPU)
Arnie 31:04 (75lbs, 10lbs, KPU)
PM Results  
Boone 21:27 Rx
Blake 21:44 Rx
Juan Carlos 22:57 (115lb)
G 25:11 (55lb, KPU)
Christie 25:16 (45lb, 10lb, KPU)
Julie 27:16 (45lb, 10lb, KPU)
Schittone 25:08 (4Rnds)
Patrick 22:54 Rx
Chi-Mike 24:32 Rx
David 26:46 (105lb)
Christy 22:09 (45lb, 10lb, KPU)
Tristy 25:22 (KPU)
LG 29:25 (55lb, KPU)
Meli 29:41 (35lb, 6lb, KPU)
Aubrey 24:52 (65lb, KPU)
Darlene 25:20 (65lb, KPU)
Liz 27:06 (75lb, KPU)
Stefan 29:33 (75lb)
Zoom 26:13 (45lb, 10lb, KPU)
Jordan 31:20 (35lb, 10lb, KPU)
On Ramp  
Zayra 10:41
Chris DNF
Debbie 10:40
Katie 11:03