WOD 10/6



Chest To Bar Pull-ups
Power Snatches (60% to 70% of the days one rep max)

Today’s mighty oak is just yesterday’s nut, that held its ground. -David Icke

Profiting off of food allergies

– The brand new Circle C CrossFit bootcamp starts Monday October 12 @ 6 AM click HERE for more info or to sign up!
– We have 10 spots available for our next On Ramp Class sign up HERE to save your spot.
– The 30 Day Paleo Challenge starts next Wednesday October 14.  We’ll kick things off with a “Circle of Awesomeness” nutrition seminar on Tuesday.  Stay tuned for more details!


AM Results
3R 1R MetCon
Dave 95 105 4:10 (65 lb, Chin)
Jerry 75 95 4:57 (65 lb, Jump)
Blake 105 125 4:33 (75 lb, Rx)
Kim 35 35 4:19 (25 lb, Jump)
Amber 40 45 4:18 (35 lb, Jump)
Tow Matt 45 55 4:36 (35 lb, Jump)
Kristin 35 45 4:12 (35 lb PHS, Band)
PM Results
Sherman 115 135 4:02 (75 lb, Chin)
Stephen 95 105 4:22 (65 lb, Chin)
Rob 85 DNF 4:28 (55 lb, Rx)
Rufio 75 95 3:42 (65 lb, Chin)
Bill Skill Skill 5:15 (25 lb, Chin)
Pato 105 125 3:20 (80 lb, Rx)
Courtney 25 40 4:06 (25 lb, Jump)
Winner 25 40 3:55 (15 lb, Jump)
Nugget 125 145 DNF
Mike 45 110 4:10 (65 lb, Rx)
Smeth 95 110 4:39 (65 lb, Rx)
Dennis Skill
Skill 4:40 (35 lb, Jump)
Kirk Skill Skill 5:10 (15 lb, Jump)
Dave H. Skill Skill 5:01 (15 lb, Rx)
Joe H. Skill Skill 4:30 (15 lb, Jump)
Louis Skill Skill 4:56 (35 lb, Chin)