WOD 10/7
ALL Levels
Split Jerk
*Work to heavy, but technically sound double
*Weight Recorded
On the minute for 15 Minutes Alternating:
Muscle-up (M: 3, W:2)
Split Squat (5/leg)
*Post notes to comments
Discipline is remembering what you want. – David Campbell
*Post thoughts to comments
– Liz Yankiver will be competing at the 2011 Copperhead Weightlifting Invitational tomorrow. Liz, we’re sending you lots of CFA love and support! Can’t wait to get updates from Darlene!
– Vanessa Humphreys will be repping CFA tomorrow at the Miss Texas US Pageant! Good luck Vanessa – strength and beauty are a “knock-out” combination!
– A week from tomorrow we will be celebrating the opening of our new space with a “Fall Fit Fest” on October 15. This event will also be a fundraiser for the American Red Cross of Central Texas and the recent victims of the Central Texas fire disaster. Sign yourself and your friends and family up here for the free workouts. More details can be found on facebook or on our website. *Those interested in attending Barbells for Boobs will be able to do both – we promise!
AM Results | |
Caitlyn | 75lb |
Michele | 75lb |
Valyn | 55lb |
Ballet | 135lb |
Teeny | 85lb |
Ginger | 55lb |
Elizabeth | 80lb |
Erica | 98lb |
TowMatt | 155lb |
Mego | 83lb |
Big Shug | 88lb |
Peter | 115lb |
Jewels | 85lb |
Walker | 123lb |
Ray | 145lb |
Patrick | 95lb |
Chris | 30lb |
Kaz | 95lb |
Rhea | 55lb |
Jenny | 73lb |
Tristy | 115lb |
Jables | 105lb |
Mikey | 185lb |
Jesse | 135lb |
Jess | 95lb |
Ryan | 165lb |
Randy | 135lb |
Danny | 155lb |
Meredith | 15lb |