WOD 11/1

Buy In/Cash Out

4 Rounds
1:00 Row/Run/Airdyne
1:00 Walking Lunges
1:00 Jump Rope
1:00 Burpees @ Steady Pace (80% effort)
1:00 Pistols
5:00 Walk (Active Recovery)
*Record Jumps

All growth is a leap in the dark, a spontaneous unpremeditated act without benefit of experience. -Henry Miller

Dropping Under part 2

-TONIGHT is CFA’s Ladies’ Night again!  We will be meeting at 7:30pm at Milano Cafe 4601 Southwest Parkway Austin, TX 78735
-CFA will be hosting the Big Dawg Challenge Nov. 13th!  Find out more information

Fro testing out the new Airdyne

AM Results
Andy 136
Page 363
Melicious 512
Anthony 335
Kirk 462
Walker 607
Ray 442
Schittone 250?
Crash 256
Jables 418
Rob 545
John 507
Tristy 586
PM Results
Julie 410
Patrick 392
Betsy 341
Liz 398
Lyzz 532
Juan Carlos 487
Colleen 391
Stephen ACF 210
Stacey 476
Blake 462
Chris G. 377
Winner 447
Tasha 442
Wes 453
Patrick 428
Chi Mike 440
Skipper 499
Aubrey 470
Abby 401
Heiny 444
Kavi 290
Zoom 480
Megan 363
Boone 392
Cara 485
Chris W. 200?