WOD 11/10



10 Rounds
100 M Sprint
10 Pull-ups

All things are possible until they are proved impossible–and even the impossible may only be so as of now. -Pearl S.Buck

More Dirty Grains

– To celebrate the culmination of the Paleo Challenge we’ll be hosting a Paleo Potluck Dinner @ 1:00 PM on Saturday at CFA Headquarters (
4529 Corran Ferry Loop)


AM Results 3RM MetCon
Michelle 50 9:19 (Jump)
Kirk 110 10:42 (Jump)
Shauna 75 12:28 (Jump)
Andrew 95 11:11 Rx
Kevin 95 14:39 (Jump)
Rob 130 9:55 Rx
Kristin 75 14:22 (Row, Jump)
Boone 145 9:33 Rx
PM Results
Jables 75 13:45 (Band)
Mike F. 95 11:32 (Jump)
G. 60 11:32 (Jump)
Claire 60 10:28 (Jump)
Louis 90 11:54 Rx
Walker 90 9:45 Rx
Blake 160 11:13 Rx
Stacey 85 10:20 Rx
Megan 65 11:28 (Jump)
Betsy 90 11:18 (Band)
Courtney 60 11:20 (Jump)
Winner 50 10:33 (Jump)
OJOE 115 12:15 (Jump)
Big Matt 165 14:20 Rx
Zach 115 13:31 (Jump)
Dave H. 155 12:58 (Row)