WOD 11/10

Buy In/Cash Out
Chin-up Progression x2 Sets

3 Sets
6-8 Back Squats @4010
:30 Rest
4-8 Push-ups/Ring Push-ups/Ring Dips @2020
:30 Rest
6-8 Chin-ups/Pull-up Progressions
:30 Rest


4 Rounds
10 Thrusters (95lbs, 75lbs)
15 KB Swings (24K, 16K)

What alcohol really does to the brain and body

It is the quality rather than the quantity that matters.-Lucius Annaeus Seneca

-CFA will be hosting the Big Dawg Challenge Nov. 13th!  Find out more information
-Post Big Dawg Challenge, join us for the first Pilgrims and Indians Thanksgiving Pub Run November 13th!
Thundercloud Turkey Trot Thanksgiving Day!

Show us them guns, Walker!

AM Results
Mike 8:03 (75lbs)
Page 6:30 (75lbs, 16K)
Andrew 7:55 (45lbs, 12K)
Fro 8:12 Rx
C.C. 8:52 (35lbs, 12K)
Melicious 6:56 (45lbs, 16K)
Eddie 6:41 (45lbs, 16K)
Joel 8:15 MOD
Steve 7:55 (75lbs)
Stephen 7:10 (75lbs)
Bill 7:10 (35lbs, 16K)
Zoom 8:48 (35lbs, 12K)
PM Results
Boone 5:11 Rx
Kristie 7:06 (35, 12K)
Debbie 7:32 (35, 15)
Skipper 8:49 (75)
Heiny 6:08 (55)
Jerry 7:16 (MOD)
Cody 8:59 (MOD)
LG 10:34 (65)
Carissa 8:15 (MOD)
Blake 5:43 Rx
Cat 6:15 (63)
Juan Carlos 6:22 ( 85, 35)
Ryan 6:29 (75, 16K)
Colleen 6:49 (45, 20)
Stefan 8:50 (75, 12K)
G. 8:51 (65)
Winner 9:10 (65)
Stacey 4:11 Rx
John 5:58 (75)
Chris 7:58 Rx
Kavi 8:44 (75lb, 12k)
Jordan 7:46 (45lb, 12k)